I believe there is an ATI Radeon 9200, 128MB AGP version. If I could find one at a good price I will fore go the ROM flashing. I am not sure I have a need for any more card than this. And, I have to wait until the middle of next month to do any buying, so hold off on the offers. I will ask on the swap list when I am ready. Peace, Dennis

Steve Thompson wrote:
So whats the best spec agp video card I can put in my G4?
Im currently running one of these:
ATI Radeon 9200:

  Chipset Model:    ATY,RV280
  Type:    Display
  Bus:    PCI
  Slot:    SLOT-B
  VRAM (Total):    128 MB
  Vendor:    ATI (0x1002)
  Device ID:    0x5961
  Revision ID:    0x0001
  ROM Revision:    113-A27502-127
  Resolution:    1280 x 1024 @ 75 Hz
  Depth:    32-bit Color
  Core Image:    Not Supported
  Main Display:    Yes
  Mirror:    Off
  Online:    Yes


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