On Jul 14, 2010, at 8:20 AM, Richard Gerome wrote:

I have a friend who has this G4 Power Mac M5183 tower and keyboard she doesn't have the monitor, she wants to upgrade this machine to it's full capacity and run Tiger 10.4.11 so she can do her web design work and it needs to be dual boot OS9.2.2 too... She can't afford a new one and she is frustrated with the PC she is now using... Anyone out there have any ideas??? I know we need to max the memory and I don't know what the max is... How about a HD what would be the best and the biggest to make it faster??? How about upgrading the processor??? I haven't opened it up yet to see what it has in it yet, but she wants to do everything she can to get some more yrs out of it... As far as she knows it is still stock except for maybe memory... I have heard some of you talk about the B&W, Sawtooth, Yikes, etc etc etc do you know what this one is??? Thank You!!! Rich

I would max the ram and if it will accept a USB 2.0 card that would be good. You can dual Boot it with OS 9.2.2 and Tiger. You can install a Pioneer 118L DL R/W CD/DVD optical drive, And a Seagate 500 GB 7200 rpm. must be partitioned to boot OS 9.2.2 Plus bays for 3 more HDDs . The video card will support a 20" Cinema display. I don't know about processor upgrades. What processor speed does it have?

John Carmonne
Yorba Linda USA
Sent from my TiBook 500

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