> You cannot, since you need Classic. That is, if you want to be able to
> natively boot Mac OS 9.x you need a G4 that is not as new as a FW800 model.
> If, on the other hand, you only require Classic from Mac OS 10.x up to 10.4,
> you can also go for a G5. They are beautiful towers, great design from the
> inside and from the outside, only they seem to be less reliable than the G4s.

Thanks for the 2 replies so far, now a bit of clarification - I never
need to boot into OS9, I only need it to run old Pagemill for our
large home-business website ( I still can't imagine the job
translating over every page with another newer app). So it sounds like
perhaps a G5 could work also.
> The most modern one is the “Late 2005” G5 series with one Dual-Core 2.0 GHz,
> one Dual-Core 2.3 GHz or the top of the line two Dual-Core 2.5 GHz “Quad”. I'd
> suggest staying away from liquid cooled G5s though, so the DC2.3 would be
> highest I'd go for a G5 with modern the PCIe bus for expansion cards and
> faster DDR2 memory.
I had never considered a dual core because one friend said they can be
real energy hogs and another said the noise factor is much higher than
I am used to with Sawtooth. Comments?

If the G5's are generally less reliable than late model G4's any
reasons for my needs to go up as far as G5?

> Note: G5s up to the “Early 2005” use the “classic” AGP and PCI/PCI-X bus for
> graphics card and expansion cards and feature “only” DDR memory like the late
> G4s do. But watch out, there are also liquid cooled models among them.

I am quite not sure how to use this info....is an AGP bus and DDR only
memory a plus or minus in my situation?

I would like this upgrade to last me awhile, so I wonder if 2 years
from now I will kick myself for not going with a G5 or Intel simply
because things like YouTube will speed up again and make even a late
model G4 unusable.....it's a quandry.
Thanks for any comments! Del

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