Hi all,

I have the eMac 1.25 gHz with 1 gb of ram. Owned since new. Replaced
motherboard once under warranty a few years ago.

Had been running 10.3.9 until May. Installed Tiger 10.4.11 and have
been using it smoothly ever since.

Last week, I got my first ever kernel panic. Screen said, "you must
shut down ... " etc. I ran everything I knew how to for diagnostics -
which was only the Utilities and then Onyx to clear all caches and
tidy up stuff. It ran smoothly after this so I thought it was okay

Today it crashed with same kernel panic. But - when I forced reboot,
it would only show the apple icon and spinning thing - then slowly it
went to a blue screen. Blue screen flickered, but did nothing  to
finish booting.

The Tiger disk I have isn't for the eMac specifically. So I took my
eMac original disks out (with 10.3-something.) and ran the hardware

It came up with a memory error: Erorr code 2MEM/104/4:DIMM1/J1

I read some obscur post somewhere that said it is possible that when
upgrading OS the old RAM will be obsolete. I don't know which OS's it
was talking about though. Could this be my problem?

I only know enough to be dangerous about diagnostics - so your advice
would be very appreciated.  If it is the RAM, is it both chips? If I
could limp along with only one for a while, that would be workable -
no cash for replacement or repair. Hoping you can help me learn what I
need to get the eMac running again.

-Lynn / Wren

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