
You are absolutely right that the clones were wonderful for the users.

My husband had a Power Computing machine that was great.

Did not work for Apple, though, marketing-wise.

Either that or the whole effort was missing a Steve Jobs something or other.

On Mar 19, 2011, at 10:39 PM, John Carmonne wrote:

On Mar 19, 2011, at 4:33 PM, Anne Keller-Smith wrote:

They did do this already, didn't they, sort of, with the Mac clones? Totally did not work ...

On Mar 16, 2011, at 12:40 PM, Wallace Adrian D'Alessio wrote:

Need a reason to think an Apple OS for PC would be a good thing?

Extrapolate from this report.

AFAIK the Mac clones were a much wanted machine because they were more affordable with extra features. I still have a trusty "Power Computing" clone that runs every day, OS9 of coarse. :-) I can see Apple keeping the system close to the vest so that control quality and reliability is the finest available. Every bootleg I've seen is a hobby horse at best at the end of the day Apple walks on water in this town.

John Carmonne
Yorba Linda CA
92886 USA
Sent from my MBP

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Anne Keller Smith
Down to Earth Web Design

Intel iMac 2.4gHz Core 2 Duo
1GB RAM, 250GB Hard Drive, OS 10.5.5

Intel iMac 2.66gHz Core 2 Duo
2GB RAM, 264GB Hard Drive, OS 10.5.6

G4 Quicksilver 733mHz Tower
896 MB RAM, 40 GB hard drive, OS 10.4.11

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