On Mar 21, 2011, at 10:54 AM, ah...clem wrote:

> none of which would have been so easy or even possible had they not
> pretended that they were "forced" to switch to the grossly inferior
> intel CPUs.  

There was no pretense involved here at all. 

IBM had no interest in making low-power, high-performance PPC processors for 
Apple, Motorola, errr, 'Freescale' couldn't and the primary driver of computer 
sales (laptops) was rapidly leaving Apple behind.

Other companies were introducing Pentium mobile, pentium dual., and even Core 
systems when Apple was stuck with an architecture last updated when the Pentium 
3 was king, and desktop systems that substituted for industrial space heaters. 
It was a dead end.

Meanwhile Intel had made big strides from the days when 'power management' 
equalled 'slow the CPU to a crawl' days of the Centrino. 

I have the latest and greatest ever PPC laptop, an AlBook 1.67 ghz system. 
compared to even the worst performing Macbook, it suuuuuuuucks. It's perfectly 
usable (it's in daily use) but I don't make any pretense about it being a 
modern, 'capable of anything' laptop. 

Anyone still clinging to the concept that the PPC is somehow better than the 
Intel chips for general purpose computing are delusional regardless of what IBM 
has brought out for game consoles and servers. 

Had IBM actually cared about retaining Apple as a major chip business client, 
things may have turned out differently, but I doubt it...Intel's great strength 
is their economy of scale...if everyone is using their CPU's and chipsets to 
make computers, they're cheaper, and cheaper to make faster. This economy of 
scale is what drives Moore's Law, after all.

Smartest thing Apple ever did was to move to Intel; you'll note that their 
'meteoric' ascendance coincides twith the intrduction of the Intel Macs. They 
did well before, but their growth curve has been exponential since then.

And all the lessons they learned managing OS X for two different architectures 
for so long paid off in spades when it came time to add a third and fourth (ARM 
and Apple's new CPU's in the iPhone and iPad)...Apple now has an OS scalable 
like MS only dreams it could ever have done and they've been doing it for 
longer. (Don't forget, there WAS a version of NT that ran on the Dec Alpha and 
the Motorola ChRP chipset...which was yet ANOTHER time Moto screwed over Apple 
by overpromising and underdelivering)

Bruce Johnson
University of Arizona
College of Pharmacy
Information Technology Group

Institutions do not have opinions, merely customs

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