About 2-3 weeks ago, my DP 1.8 G5 ( June 04) had a bit of meltdown.  Did
not start in safe mode, was showing what seemed to be Disk errors.  So
after trying several courses of action suggested by the list, (Thank you
Bruce!) I went and picked up a new hard drive, and new pram battery,
installed both and did an Archieve and Install back to OS 10.5.8 .
It did not start up correctly with just the new pram battery.
No, I did not have Applejack installed at the time.
Yes, I installed an unformatted drive, and yes, the computer only 'saw'
the drive I had left in, a 700gb with two partitions and the old system on
So now I have new and old system in one partition, on the older drive now
running.  I am planning on getting an external case for pulled drive, to
see what is salvageable, or if anything is wrong with it at all.
Q 1.  Can I use Applejack to verify/fix my old System file?
Q 2.  What is the best way to move either new or old system file to new HD?
Q 3.  If Applejack can fix/correct the old system file to where it is
running, How do I make a backup copy? and where should I put it,  for the
next failure?
Q 4.  Oh, yeah, when I reinitiated Apple Mail, it picked up the Gmail
account with no problem.  However, on the 10 year old account with my
local server company it is just receiving, but not sending.  I am
accessing this account (old) via webmail now, as G3-G5 list does not
recognize my Gmail account as a member. Any thoughts or experiences would
be appreciated.  I have talked to my provider, twice about this issue and
gotten two different answers, neither of which worked.  Odd point?  My
iPhone (synced to the old system) can still send mail via the old
provider..  copied the settings from it to the Mac, and that didn't work
then either.

System particulars.
DP 1.8 G5, June 04, 4gb ram, 700gb (with partitions Tom & Jerry) lower
drive slot; 2TB New(partitions Kukla, Fran, Ollie) upper bay; lacie 150gb
firewire external, GeForce FX 5200 64mb video card, Hanns-g 25" HDMI
monitor, wired keyboard, wireless mouse, RadioShark, external USB hub,
Cable modem and Airport Extreme (saucer ) for wireless.  G5 is hardwired
to the Airport.

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