
At 20:58 30/11/2011, you wrote:

On Nov 30, 2011, at 12:22 PM, Martin N wrote:

> Lo,
> At 02:15 30/11/2011, you wrote:


>> This was recently addressed here by someone who has rebuilt leaky cooling units. IIRC there were two venders (Adelphi for early units & Panasonic for later models) and it was the early units that had leak issues. It was also stated that no matter what they should be inspected periodically. Check the list archives or google. Plenty or info.

The Panasonic unit has never leaked in my experience. Hard to find but worth it. The Quads have a Dual pump Delphi that's a lot better than the solo's... They are great machines IMHO.

Are the quads Delphis cheaper than the dual Panasonic?

Could be, if there is high demand for the Panasonic with the known
cooling issues.

Martin N

Running MorphOS v2.6 (Nov 2010) on Mac Mini, Moderator of MiniDisc,amithlonopen,bwfc Yahoogroups

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