On May 23, 11:32 am, Dan <dantear...@gmail.com> wrote:
> At 8:25 AM -0700 5/23/2012, t...@io.com wrote:
> >In the list of devices connected to my router and assigned IP
> >addresses, everything shows up as I would expect, except a G4 MDD
> >(10.4.11) and an 800 MHz G4 ILamp (10.2.8).
> >For those two machines the router displays something like unknown_<MAC
> >address> without the <> for the Device Name.
> In the Sharing system preferences, be sure you've set the machine name.

The two problem machines have names like "Eli's Computer" or "Diane's
G4 MDD" or some such.  They've been set for years, because I use file
sharing every so often.  Hmmm.  I can't remember, but I wonder if the
apostrophes are in the names.  That could be an issue.

> Then you'll need to get those machines off the network, and delete
> their entries in the router's dhcp table.  That way when next the
> router sees the machines, they'll be registered under their proper
> names.

There's an option on the router's DHCP table screen to reset the table
or some such.  It looks like it should remove everything that isn't
currently connected -- and maybe remove and reassign everything that

> >I tried entering the machine names into the optional DHCP name box
> >(forgot exactly what it's called) in the System Prefs/Networking/
> >Ethernet/DHCP window, but that had no effect, other than, when I
> >clicked "Apply Now" it caused the computer to release its current IP
> >and obtain a new one.
> The DHCP name box is simply a keyword used to get a specific
> assignment from the DHCP server.  In some DHCP servers, it overrides
> the entry keyed by the MAC.

Thank you.  Good to know.  It looked like the only thing that was
remotely applicable, given the circumstances.

> >My old System 9.1 machine shows up in the router list under its
> >machine  name, even.   It's just these two OSX Macs that don't.
> If the names were set properly - from the beginning - then the DHCP
> server must have glitched when it saw the machines originally.

As mentioned above, all the machines already had File Sharing machine
names when I configured and connected this router/DHCP server.

> >Now that I'm at work and where I can test it, the only thing I can

That first clause above should finish "where I **can't** test it"

> >think of is that the two Macs in question have space characters in
> >their machine names.  Do routers reject machine names if they have
> >spaces in them, or is something else going on here?
> Some do.  Best to keep the name simple.  "dans-quicksilver" for
> example.  That way the name works properly with dns too.

Thank you for the helpful information Dan.  I will experiment
tonight.  I think I will first try shutting down the machines in
question.  Then remove their entries from the DHCP table.   Then boot
the machines back up.

If that doesn't work, I'll try changing their names to something with
no apostrophes.  If that fails, then I'll change it to no spaces.

I think that's a systematic test which should reveal the ultimate
cause -- unless it fails to resolve the issue.  :-)

I also need to clean the gutters tonight, so if I'm too tired
afterward for computer fun, it could be another day or two before I

Completely off topic, I've found that tying a Mosquito Dunk <http://
amzn.com/B0002568YA> to the little cross bar in the gutter with a bit
of kevlar string really seems to cut down on the mosquito
population.   One dunk for each independent section of gutter.

Jeff Walther

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