For this problem the solution was to precise the scsi disk. So the
command line is slurpdisk ftpserver image.gz sd0. That work.

But when I reboot, I have now this error:

Red hat nash version 6.0.52 starting

Unable to access resume device (/dev/sda9)

Mount: error mounting /dev/root on /sysroot as ext3: no such file or

Setuproot: moving /dev failed: no such file or directory

Setuproot: error mounting /proc: no such file or directory

Setuproot:error mounting /sys: no such file or directory

Mount failed for selinuxfs on /selinux: no such file or directory

Switchroot: mount failed: no such file or directory



Anybody can help me please!!!





I'm using vsftp2.0.5 and g4u2.3. I have uploaddisk on a ftp serveur
without any problem.

But I have a problem vith the slurpdisk.

Here is the error I get: 

230 Login successful
Remote system type is Unix
Using binary mode to transfer files
200 switching to binary mode
local: | progress -z dd obs=1m of=/dev/rwd0d remote: nagios.gz
227 Entering passive mode (x,x,x,x,x,x,x)
150 Opening binary mode data connection for nagios.gz (8683105022 bytes)
0 0.00 Kb/s dd: /dev/rw0d: Device not configured
progress: writing 1024 bytes to output pipe: Broken pipe
gzip: error writing to output: Broken pipe
ftp: local: | progress -z dd obs=1m of=/dev/rw0d: Broken pipe
426 Failure writing network stream.


Here is the result of the command disks


sd0 at scsibus0 target 0 lun 0: <VMware, Virtual disk, 1.0> disk fixed

sd0: fabricating a geometry

sd0: 51200 MB, 51200 cyl, 64 head, 32 sec, 512 bytes/sect x 104857600

sd0: sync (6.25ns offset 127), 16-bit (320.000MB/s) trabsfers, targged

sd0: fabricating a geometry


I'm trying to download the image on a vwware virtual machine.

I've try use_sendfile=NO, that change not.

Anyone can help me??





Ghislain SALA 



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