LoisTed Macdonald wrote:
> Hai a Les
> Sgri\obh thu:
>     If you don't mind, I'll pass your note on to the rest of the group,
> >since many of them are not members of this list.  (Not that I haven't
> >encouraged them.)
> Seadh, gu dearbh. 'Sann fortanach a tha thu le buidheann mar sin. Tha mi a'
> smaoineachadh gum bi mi a' gluasad a Calgary.

  'Sann.  Agus fàilte gu Calgary.  Tha mi 'n dochas gum cuir thu ri
chèile an grunn againn.
       I am.  And welcome to Calgary.  I hope you will join our little


Leslie Gadallah, Calgary, Canada-----http://www.gadallah.com/~leslie

   Gheibh burraidh barrachd coire na 's urrainn duine glic a leasachadh
      A blockhead can find more fault than a wise man can mend 
             --Gaelic proverb
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