Brendan Taylor a écrit :
Has anybody given thought to an automated test suite for Gajim?

It would make it a lot easier to refactor parts of the code without
introducing bugs that require a lot of manual testing to find.

Getting to a point where the suite is complete enough to be useful will
be difficult, but even the process of making Gajim testable would help
reduce some of the coupling between modules.

I think the best way to start is find a place in the code that it would
be easy to write tests for and work out from there.

Is there any interest in this? Any suggestions about a good place to
start writing tests against?

Hi Brendan,

It's indeed somthing we think about since some time ... But nothing has been written yet: nor thoughts, nor code.

It's not so rare we commit things that break some fonctionalities. Making some automated tests would prevent that, and help keeping Gajim not too brocken.

So clearly there is an interest in this !
Starting with everyday and most common features, like opening chat window and sending a message, sounds reasonable.

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