On 06/29/2016 11:42 AM, Anatoly A. Kazantsev wrote:
> Hello,
> Current Gajim has predefined list of proxies for file transfer:
> * proxy.eu.jabber.org
> * proxy.jabber.ru
> * proxy.jabbim.cz
> There're problems with them
> * proxy.eu.jabber.org: it seems eu.jabber.org is dead
>   Response for the request from jabber.ru server:
>   <iq to="proxy.eu.jabber.org" type="get">
>     <query xmlns="http://jabber.org/protocol/bytestreams"; />
>   </iq>
>   <iq from='proxy.eu.jabber.org' to='***@jabber.ru/Gajim' type='error'
> xml:lang='en'> <query xmlns='http://jabber.org/protocol/bytestreams'/>
>     <error code='404' type='cancel'>
>       <remote-server-not-found
> xmlns='urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-stanzas'/> </error>
>   </iq>
> * proxy.jabber.ru: works only for local users, so users from other
>   XMPP servers can't use this proxy
>   Response for the same request made from my own XMPP server:
>   <iq to="proxy.jabber.ru" type="get">
>     <query xmlns="http://jabber.org/protocol/bytestreams"; />
>   </iq>
>   <iq from='proxy.jabber.ru' to='x...@yyy.com/Gajim' type='error'>
>     <query xmlns='http://jabber.org/protocol/bytestreams'/>
>     <error code='403' type='auth'>
>       <forbidden xmlns='urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-stanzas'/>
>     </error>
>   </iq>
>   I asked guys from supp...@conference.jabber.ru and they confirmed
>   that the proxy works only for the local users.
> * proxy.jabbim.cz: the only minor problem with this proxy is that its
>   jabber server can't connect to any XMPP servers with strong and modern
>   TLS settings used for the s2s connection. By this I mean the server
>   configuration as described at
>   https://blog.process-one.net/securing-ejabberd-with-tls-encryption/
>   (see recommended settings).
> I think proxy.eu.jabber.org and proxy.jabber.ru should be removed from
> the list. Some proxy with strong TLS settings should be added, so it
> will be useful for users using such servers.
> The other problem is silence of Gajim. It doesn't report that all
> proxies are not available, though Use file transfer proxies setting is
> set to Yes. There should be some way to notify the user about it.


Thanks for your tests and feedback.
If you know more open server, I'm interested. Most server reserve that
to their users. Notifying the user doesn't sound a very good idea to me.
Most users don't even know what a FT proxy is. So telling them that if
they use another server that has a proxy would help won't improve things

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