Hello all.  First of all thanks to Galaxy developers and supporters for this 
great tool  -- I'm experimenting with adding my custom tools to galaxy and I'm 
very impressed with how simple galaxy makes this process.

Some of the tools that I'm adding to my local instance take reference files as 
a parameter.  These files are often large and fairly static.   I understand 
that I can create a data library where users can select the reference file 
needed and import into "history" for analysis.  However,  I would like to know 
if it's possible for a tool's input parameter (dropdown) to enumerate these 
files from a public data-library (to avoid the steps needed to import from 
library into history) and have that file pathname become the value for my 

As an alternative, would it be possible to load such a drop down from files (of 
a certain type) existing at some predefined system path?

Thanks in advance,


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