Hi all,

Via the Galaxy admin interface, I'm currently importing some BAM
files into a library from the local file system. Since they are big, I
don't want Galaxy to copy them.

So I looked at the "Copy data into Galaxy?" option and made
sure it wasn't ticked. Galaxy did copy the file :(

I looked at the interface again, and see you have:

> Copy data into Galaxy?
> [check box] No
> Normally data uploaded with this tool is copied into Galaxy's "files"
> directory so any later changes to the data will not affect Galaxy.
> However, this may not be desired (especially for large NGS
> datasets), so use of this option will force Galaxy to always
> read the data from its original path.

You've got a tick box labelled "No" so it does the opposite to the
question above it. That is a HORRIBLE interface. I can't be the
first person to be tricked by it, can I?

I would urge you to remove the work "No" and flip the meaning
(and default) to match. But that could confuse existing admin
users used to clicking from previous habit.

How about making it a select parameter instead, with options
"Copy files (default)" and "Link to files" which is very explicit?

Likewise for the "Preserve directory structure?" setting, I'd
remove the "No" caption and flip the setting, or just replace
the backwards tick box with a select parameter offering
"Preserve directory structure" and "Place in selected folder"
(or something like that).

Pretty please? How about if I write and test the patch?

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