In addition to cloning, you can also download the tarball for each tool just 
like you used to - see the Repository Options popup menu for each repo.

On Jun 9, 2011, at 2:55 PM, Peter Cock wrote:

> On Thu, Jun 9, 2011 at 7:15 PM, Assaf Gordon <> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> with the new ToolShed inplace, and support for cloning/pulling tools
>> directly: What's the recommend way to organize the repositories ?
>> For example, I want to use Peter's Venn tool:
>> hg clone
>> If I clone, I get the following folder hierarchy:
>> venn_list -> tools -> plotting -> xml/py .
>> So I can't directly clone into the <galaxy>/tools folder.
>> Even if I could (somehow skipping the "venn_list" directory),
>> cloning multiple tools would override the ".hg" folder of each other.
>> so is it still a manual process of cloning to a temporary directory,
>> then manually copy the files to the <galaxy>/tools folder ? or am
>> I missing something ?
>> being able to automagically "pull -u" tools from the toolshed
>> would be really cool.
>> thanks,
>>  -gordon
> Good question Gordon,
> Back on the old tar-ball based Tool Shed, the guidelines were
> quite loose about directory structures - at least one folder was
> recommended though.
> I used to do things expecting the user to be able to untar it
> in the root Galaxy folder. Consider we might have test files,
> configuration files (e.g. a sample loc file), as well as the core
> XML file and any associated scripts.
> I'm happy to restructure if there are clear guidelines.
> In this case, you could probably clone the Venn diagram
> tool anywhere, and reference it in tool_conf.xml with an
> absolute path (or relative with a few .. entries). This should
> be fine in this case as there are no other data files.
> Peter
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