
My name is Ravi Sanka. I have a question regarding Galaxy.

Recently, I had a local installation set up and am now trying to change the 
location where the install stores imported and created files.

I opened the config file universe_wsgi.ini and did the following:

-          Removed the '#' mark from '#file_path = database/files'

-          Changed value of file_path to the absolute path of an accessible, 
readable/writable location

-          Saved changes

Despite this, the install still stores files in database/files. Is there a step 
I'm missing? Does the setup procedure ( & need to be run again?

I also intend to change the database from the SQLite default to an existing 
database, so I assume the steps to change the file_path also apply to 

Thank you for your time.

Ravi Sanka
ICS - Bioinformatics Engineer
J. Craig Venter Institute

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