Hello Peter,

On Jul 4, 2011, at 11:20 AM, Peter Cock wrote:

> Hi all,
> I've noticed some inconsistencies in the new tool shed. First of all
> the table view uses "Name" and "Description" for fields shown as
> "Name" and "Synopsis" on the tool details page.

Fixed in the next update to the tool sheds - thanks.

> Also the field "Name" is not showing the tool name or tool suite name
> - they are showing the tool or tool suite ID.

This is because the "Name" field is the name of the repository, not the name of 
1 or more tools within it.  Keep in mind that there is not a 1-1 mapping of 
repository and Galaxy tool or suite of tools.  A repository may include items 
like exported Galaxy workflows, but possibly no Galaxy tools.

The repository name must be a valid Posix disk file name, and when migrating 
the tools from the old tool archive-based tool shed to the new repository-based 
tool shed, the optimal choice for naming the repositories was to use a morphed 
version of the tool id.  By "morphed" I mean that the tool id strings were 
lower-cased, and blank spaces were translated to underscore characters.

> I would suggest using three columns / text boxes: ID, Name,
> Description e.g. based on the current XML file for this tool of mine,
> ID: seq_filter_by_id
> Name: Filter sequences by ID
> Description: from a tabular file

Again, this assumes that every repository include 1 and only 1 Galaxy tool, 
which is an incorrect assumption.  When browsing repositories, the list of 
repositories includes the name, synopsis and change log tip (version) of the 
repository.  It does not display any information that may be included in any of 
the contained repository files.  This may change in the future when I get 
further down the path of completing the repository metadata implementation, but 
no guarantee.

> I have previously commented on the problem with showing the
> "description" on its own without the context of the tool name as
> displayed in Galaxy:
> http://lists.bx.psu.edu/pipermail/galaxy-dev/2011-June/005640.html
> and:
> http://lists.bx.psu.edu/pipermail/galaxy-dev/2010-December/004012.html
> http://lists.bx.psu.edu/pipermail/galaxy-dev/2010-December/004017.html
> http://lists.bx.psu.edu/pipermail/galaxy-dev/2010-December/004019.html
> One idea would be to show just the name in the left hand pane of
> Galaxy, with the description as a tool tip AND show this at the top of
> the tool main page in the central panel. This would encourage tool
> authors to write this field as a self contained synopsis, and make the
> left hand panel less text heavy.

This may be considered for the Galaxy instance (the decision is in the hands of 
others), but would probably not work in the tool shed.  Again, we'll see what 
we can improve as I make progress on the repository metadata implementation.

> Peter
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Greg Von Kuster
Galaxy Development Team

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