We've digested this topic a bit here at Galaxy Central, and agree that at some 
point ( maybe soon for very basic functionality ) we need to provide support 
for new data types in tool shed repositories.  It would be very helpful ( and 
significantly speed up the development process ) if the community could provide 
at least 2 different tools that use data types not included in the Galaxy 
distribution ( sending me a tarball that includes all the tool dependencies, 
including the new data type class would be ideal ).  When I get them I'll add 
this new feature set to my development list.

Thanks everyone for all the input on this!

Greg Von Kuster

On Oct 7, 2011, at 2:05 PM, Jim Johnson wrote:

> Greg,
> It would be great if there were a way to expand upon the core datatypes using 
> the ToolShed.
> Would it be possible to have a separate datatype repository within the 
> ToolShed?
> Datatype
>  name=""
>  description=""
>  datatype_dependencies=[]
>  definition=<python code>
> The tool config could be expanded to have requirement for datatypes.
>   <requirement type="datatype">ssmap</requirement>
> Table datatype
>   Column    |            Type             |                     Modifiers
> -------------+-----------------------------+---------------------------------------------------
> id          | integer                     | not null default 
> nextval('datatype_id_seq'::regclass)
> name        | character varying(255)      |
> version     | character varying(40)       |
> description | text                        |
> definition  | text                        |
> UNIQUE (name)
> Table datatype_datatype_association
>   Column    |            Type             |                     Modifiers
> -------------+-----------------------------+---------------------------------------------------
> id          | integer                     | not null default 
> nextval('datatype_id_seq'::regclass)
> datatype_id | integer                     |
> requires_id | integer                     |
> FOREIGN KEY (datatype_id) REFERENCES datatype(id)
> FOREIGN KEY (requires_id) REFERENCES datatype(id)
> Then for my mothur metagenomics tools I could define:
> name="ssmap"   description="Secondary Structure Map"  version="1.0"  
> datatype_dependencies=[tabular]
> definition=
> from galaxy.datatypes.tabular import Tabular
> class SecondaryStructureMap(Tabular):
>    file_ext = 'ssmap'
>    def __init__(self, **kwd):
>        """Initialize secondary structure map datatype"""
>        Tabular.__init__( self, **kwd )
>        self.column_names = ['Map']
>    def sniff( self, filename ):
>        """
>        Determines whether the file is a secondary structure map format
>        A single column with an integer value which indicates the row that 
> this row maps to.
>        check you make sure is structMap[10] = 380 then structMap[380] = 10.
>        """
> ...
> Then the align.check.xml tool_config could require the 'ssmap' datatype:
> <tool id="mothur_align_check" name="Align.check" version="1.19.0">
> <description>Calculate the number of potentially misaligned 
> bases</description>
> <requirements>
>   <requirement type="binary">mothur</requirement>
>   <requirement type="datatype">ssmap</requirement>
>  </requirements>
>> John,
>> I've been following this message thread, and it seems it's gone in a 
>> direction that differs from your initial question about the possibility for 
>> Galaxy to handle automatic editing of the datatypes_conf.xml file when 
>> certain Galaxy tool shed tools are automatically installed.  There are some 
>> complexities to consider in attempting this.  One of the issues to consider 
>> is that the work for adding support for a new datatype to Galaxy lies 
>> outside of the intended function of the tool shed.  If new support is added 
>> to the Galaxy code base, an entry for that new datatype should be manually 
>> added to the table at the same time.  There may be benefits to enabling 
>> automatic changes to datatype entries that already exist in the file (e.g., 
>> adding a new converter for an existing datatype entry), but perhaps adding a 
>> completely new datatype to the file may not be appropriate.  I'll continue 
>> to think about this - send additional thought and feedback, as doing so is 
>> always helpful
>> Thanks!
>> Greg
>> On Oct 5, 2011, at 11:48 PM, Duddy, John wrote:
>>> One of the things we’re facing is the sheer size of a whole human genome at 
>>> 30x coverage. An effective way to deal with that is by compressing the 
>>> FASTQ files. That works for BWA and our ELAND, which can directly read a 
>>> compressed FASTQ, but other tools crash when reading compressed FASTQ 
>>> filesfiles. One way to address that would be to introduce a new type, for 
>>> example “CompressedFastQ”, with a conversion to FASTQ defined. BWA could 
>>> take both types as input. This would allow the best of both worlds – 
>>> efficient storage and use by all existing tools.
>>> Another example would be adding the CASAVA tools to Galaxy. Some of the 
>>> statistics generation tools use custom file formats. To be able to make the 
>>> use of those tools optional and configurable, they should be separate from 
>>> the aligner, but that would require that Galaxy be made aware of the custom 
>>> file formats – we’d have to add a datatype.
>>> John Duddy
>>> Sr. Staff Software Engineer
>>> Illumina, Inc.
>>> 9885 Towne Centre Drive
>>> San Diego, CA 92121
>>> Tel: 858-736-3584
>>> E-mail: jduddy at illumina.com
>>> From: Greg Von Kuster [mailto:greg at bx.psu.edu]
>>> Sent: Wednesday, October 05, 2011 6:25 PM
>>> To: Duddy, John
>>> Cc: galaxy-dev at lists.bx.psu.edu
>>> Subject: Re: [galaxy-dev] Tool shed and datatypes
>>> Hello John,
>>> The Galaxy tool shed currently is not enabled to automatically edit the 
>>> datatypes_conf.xml file, although I could add this feature if the need 
>>> exists.  Can you elaborate on what you are looking to do regarding this?
>>> Thanks!
>>> On Oct 5, 2011, at 1:52 PM, Duddy, John wrote:
>>> Can we introduce new file types via tools in the tool shed? It seems Galaxy 
>>> can load them if they are in the datatypes configuration file. Does tool 
>>> installation automate the editing of that file?
>>> John Duddy
>>> Sr. Staff Software Engineer
>>> Illumina, Inc.
>>> 9885 Towne Centre Drive
>>> San Diego, CA 92121
>>> Tel: 858-736-3584
>>> E-mail: jduddy at illumina.com
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>>> Please keep all replies on the list by using "reply all"
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>>> Greg Von Kuster
>>> Galaxy Development Team
>>> greg at bx.psu.edu
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> Please keep all replies on the list by using "reply all"
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Greg Von Kuster
Galaxy Development Team

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