Hello Zach,

If your Galaxy instance is not current, make sure to update with with the 
latest as issues in this area have been corrected.  I haven't heard any issues 
related to this from anyone in the community, but that's not to say that there 
aren't any remaining.  I'm not sure how many in the community that have this 
environment are using the tool shed.

Greg Von Kuster

On Mar 2, 2012, at 3:14 PM, Zachary Charlop-Powers wrote:

> Hello Galaxy Team/Users,
> Thanks again for your great work.  A few months back I setup a local Galaxy 
> server behind Nginx  and everything worked great except for the browser-based 
> automatic-install of tools from Galaxy-main. Using the web interface I would 
> click on "Install to local Galaxy" and get the following error message:
> The resource could not be found. 
> No route for /repository/Noneadmin_toolshed/install_repository
> At the time I had absolutely no idea where the problem came from and the very 
>  helpful dev team assisted me in tracking the issue to a problem with the 
> proxy configuration, however I was never able to resolve the issue despite 
> tinkering with the proxy configuration. Since I need the proxy (on a computer 
> with other web-facing services) and since  I could install tools using 
> mercurial I didn't follow up the issue, however, automatic-install of tools 
> would be great to have. A similar error is in the archives for someone using 
> Apache 
> (http://galaxy-development-list-archive.2308389.n4.nabble.com/Toolshed-not-accessible-td4096102.html
>  ) and when I e-mailed the author he said he hadn't been able to resolve the 
> issue and had simply worked around it as I had.  
> As my Galaxy setup is very straightforward and follows the Galaxy Wiki 
> instructions, I am thinking that others must have encountered this same 
> problem, so here is my question:
> 1.  For users who have installed Galaxy and use either the Apache or Nginx 
> proxy configuration from the Wiki, have you gotten the browser-based 
> Automatic Install of toolshed tools to work?
> 2.  If so - could you share your proxy setup with me?
> best,
> zach cp
> Zach Charlop-Powers
> Post-Doctoral Fellow
> Laboratory of Genetically Encoded Small Molecules
> Rockefeller University
> zchar...@rockefeller.edu
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