
Thank you for your offer of assistance. However, I have decided not to
use an internal toolshed instance and use the public instead.

2012/4/16 Greg Von Kuster <>:
> Hi Amanda,
> I'll need to see your paster log to be able to help on this one.  You can 
> view it using "tail -f community_webapp.log" (without the quotes) from your 
> Galaxy install directory.  Can you respond back with the content?
> Thanks,
> Greg Von Kuster
> On Apr 8, 2012, at 1:58 PM, Amanda Zuzolo wrote:
>> Hello all,
>> I've recently been trying to implement a local instance of the tool
>> shed, and have followed the tutorials on the wiki, but when I run sh
>>, it doesn't do anything. I have mercurial installed,
>> so that shouldn't be a problem, and I've used the example
>> community_wsgi.ini and I can pastebin what I have if
>> it would help. Thank you in advance.
>> --
>> Amanda Zuzolo
>> Bioengineering Major, George Mason University
>> Metabiome Informatics Group, Environmental Biocomplexity
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Amanda Zuzolo
Bioengineering Major, George Mason University
Metabiome Informatics Group, Environmental Biocomplexity
Peer Advisor, Volgenau School of Engineering

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