
Thanks a lot it actually helped. It is not exactly as straightforward in drmaa.py but somehow I could manage.

However, it was not the problem. For some reason, the user needs to write files from the node to job_working_directory/00X/XXXX/ and the latter is not world-writable. I had to make everyone chmod everything to 777 to make it work. Did I miss something?


Le 24/04/2012 15:17, Alban Lermine a écrit :
Hi L-A,

I run Galaxy as real user on our cluster with pbs (free version).

We first configure LDAP authentification for having email account
related to unix account (just cut the @curie.fr)
Then I have modify pbs.py (in

I have just disconnected the pbs submission through python library and
replace it by a system call (just like I send jobs to the cluster with
command line), here is the code used:

      galaxy_job_id = job_wrapper.job_id
      log.debug("(%s) submitting file %s" % ( galaxy_job_id, job_file ) )
      log.debug("(%s) command is: %s" % ( galaxy_job_id, command_line ) )

     # Submit job with system call instead of using python PBS library -
Permit to run jobs as .. with sudo -u cmd prefix

     galaxy_job_idSTR = str(job_wrapper.job_id)
     galaxy_tool_idSTR = str(job_wrapper.tool.id)
     galaxy_job_name =
     torque_options = runner_url.split("/")
     queue = torque_options[3]
     ressources = torque_options[4]
     user_mail = job_wrapper.user.split("@")
     username = user_mail[0]

     torque_cmd = "sudo -u username echo "+"\""+command_line+"\" | qsub
-o "+ofile+" -e "+efile+" -M "+job_wrapper.user+" -N "+galaxy_job_name+"
-q "+queue+" "+ressources

     submit_pbs_job = os.popen(torque_cmd)

     job_id = submit_pbs_job.read().rstrip("\n")

     #Original job launcher
     #job_id = pbs.pbs_submit(c, job_attrs, job_file, pbs_queue_name, None)


Second thing I have done is to wait error and output file from torque in
the finish_job function (if not, I never receive the output, seems to be
your problem..), here is the code used:

def finish_job( self, pbs_job_state ):
         Get the output/error for a finished job, pass to
         and cleanup all the PBS temporary files.
         ofile = pbs_job_state.ofile
         efile = pbs_job_state.efile
         job_file = pbs_job_state.job_file

         # collect the output

         # With qsub system call, need to wait efile and ofile creation
at the end of the job execution before reading them

         efileExists = os.path.isfile(efile)
         ofileExists = os.path.isfile(ofile)
         efileExistsSTR = str(efileExists)
         ofileExistsSTR = str(ofileExists)

         while efileExistsSTR == "False":
         time.sleep( 1 )
         efileExists = os.path.isfile(efile)
         efileExistsSTR = str(efileExists)

         while ofileExistsSTR == "False":
         time.sleep( 1 )
         ofileExists = os.path.isfile(ofile)
         ofileExistsSTR = str(ofileExists)

         # Back to original code

         ofh = file(ofile, "r")
         efh = file(efile, "r")
         stdout = ofh.read( 32768 )
         stderr = efh.read( 32768 )
             stdout = ''
             stderr = 'Job output not returned by PBS: the output
datasets were deleted while the job was running, the job was manually
dequeued or there was a cluster error.'

* Last step is to allow galaxy user to run sudo

Hope it can help you finding your problem..

See you,


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