I'm trying to troubleshoot why I can't retrieve output from my Galaxy cluster 
instance. I notice that when I click on any output, the URL is something like:

http://[root galaxy address]/datasets/[some 16-character hash]/display/[file 

I'm not able to find the "datasets" directory on the local machine, and I 
couldn't figure anything out by searching the paster.log file and the apache 
access and error logs. Everytime I try to access output, it downloads a 
zero-byte file. The files that I want to download through Galaxy are in the 
correct subdirectory of /database/files/... If someone could explain to be 
what's going on "behind the scenes," it would help me quite a bit. I'm guessing 
that the absolute path is stored in a database, but beyond that I don't know 
any specifics. If that's the case, knowing the relevant database tables would 
be a huge hint.


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