
Thanks for the assistance!
The modules work fine, since i see them in the log files. The id and gid match 
the output of id galaxy. I think the problem lies somewhere else.

Kind regards 

"Bossers, Alex" <>schreef:

>If I remember correctly for our galaxy proftpd setup on ubuntu 10.10.
>Be sure to compile proftpd with the required additional SQL modules.
>Then figure out the user and group ids of galaxy user that can access the DB 
>(mysql in our case).
>$ id galaxy  (or whatever user you use)
>Make sure these ids are in the SELECT statement of the proftpd config file
>Below our section:
># Define a custom query for lookup that returns a passwd-like entry.  UID and 
>GID should match your Galaxy user.
>SQLUserInfo            custom:/LookupGalaxyUser
>SQLNamedQuery  LookupGalaxyUser SELECT 
> FROM galaxy_user WHERE email='%U'"
>In our case de uid and gid were 1001 and 1002
>Hope it helps,
>-----Oorspronkelijk bericht-----
>[] Namens Joachim Jacob
>Verzonden: vrijdag 13 juli 2012 15:19
>Onderwerp: [galaxy-dev] Setting up proftpd problem: ftp login failure
>Dear Galaxy devs,
>I am setting up an ftp server with authentication to the Galaxy user tables, 
>but the password is not recognized as being correct.
>joachim@joachim-laptop:~$ ftp Connected to
>220 Welcome to BITS Galaxy FTP server.
>Name (
>331 Password required for
>530 Login incorrect.
>Login failed.
>421 Service not available, remote server has closed connection
>My setup:
>- Centos 6.2
>- proftpd 1.3.3
>- postgres (PostgreSQL) 8.4.11
>I have configured proftpd.conf (see below), and also 
>*** proftpd.conf ***
># This is the ProFTPD configuration file # Server Config - config used for 
>anything outside a <VirtualHost> or <Global> context
>ServerName           "BITS Galaxy FTP"
>ServerIdent          on "Welcome to BITS Galaxy FTP server."
>ServerType           standalone
>ServerAdmin          root@localhost
>DefaultServer        on
>Port                 21
>Umask                077
>SyslogFacility       DAEMON
>SyslogLevel          debug
>DefaultRoot          ~ !adm
>CreateHome           on dirmode 700
>PassivePorts         39000 40000
>MaxInstances         30
>User                 nobody
>Group                nobody
># Don't do reverse DNS lookups (hangs on DNS problems)
>UseReverseDNS            off
>MaxInstances            20
># Define the log formats
>LogFormat            default    "%h %l %u %t \"%r\" %s %b"
>LogFormat            auth    "%v [%P] %h %t \"%r\" %s"
># General database support
>LoadModule mod_sql.c
># Support for base-64 or hex encoded MD5 and SHA1 passwords from SQL tables 
>LoadModule mod_sql_passwd.c
># Postgresql support (requires proftpd-postgresql package) LoadModule 
>   # Allow users to overwrite files and change permissions
>   AllowOverwrite              yes
>   AllowStoreRestart           on
>   # Bar use of SITE CHMOD
>   <Limit SITE_CHMOD>
>     DenyAll
>   </Limit>
>   # Bar use of RETR (download) since this is not a public file drop
>   <Limit RETR>
>     DenyAll
>   </Limit>
>   SQLLogFile /var/log/proftpd/proftpd.log
>   # Set up mod_sql_password - Galaxy passwords are stored as hex-encoded SHA1
>   SQLPasswordEngine               on
>   SQLPasswordEncoding             hex
>   RequireValidShell               off
>   # Set up mod_sql to authenticate against the Galaxy database
>   SQLEngine                       on
>   SQLBackend                      postgres
>   SQLConnectInfo galaxydb@ ftpuser ftppassword
>   SQLAuthTypes                    SHA1
>   SQLAuthenticate                 users
>   # An empty directory in case chroot fails
>   SQLDefaultHomedir               /mnt/galaxytemp/ftptmp
>   SQLMinID                        98
>   # Define a custom query for lookup that returns a passwd-like entry.  
>UID and GID should match your Galaxy user.
>   SQLUserInfo                     custom:/LookupGalaxyUser
>   SQLNamedQuery                   LookupGalaxyUser SELECT 
>"email,password,'600','601','/mnt/galaxydb/ftp/%U','/bin/bash' FROM 
>galaxy_user WHERE email='%U'"
>Now upon trying to connect with ftp to the server, it fails prompting 
>that the login is incorrect (tried also from outside our network, also 
>using FileZilla):
>joachim@joachim-laptop:~$ ftp
>Connected to
>220 Welcome to BITS Galaxy FTP server.
>Name (
>331 Password required for
>530 Login incorrect.
>Login failed.
>421 Service not available, remote server has closed connection
>The lengthy log of proftpd has this logged:
>Jul 13 14:30:56 mod_sql/4.2.5[23479]: defaulting to 'postgres' backend
>Jul 13 14:30:56 mod_sql/4.2.5[23479]: backend module 
>Jul 13 14:30:56 mod_sql/4.2.5[23479]: backend api 'mod_sql_api_v1'
>Jul 13 14:30:56 mod_sql/4.2.5[23479]: >>> sql_sess_init
>Jul 13 14:30:56 mod_sql/4.2.5[23479]: entering  postgres 
>Jul 13 14:30:56 mod_sql/4.2.5[23479]:  name: 'default'
>Jul 13 14:30:56 mod_sql/4.2.5[23479]:  user: 'galaxyftp'
>Jul 13 14:30:56 mod_sql/4.2.5[23479]:  host: ''
>Jul 13 14:30:56 mod_sql/4.2.5[23479]:    db: 'galaxydb'
>Jul 13 14:30:56 mod_sql/4.2.5[23479]:  port: '5432'
>Jul 13 14:30:56 mod_sql/4.2.5[23479]:   ttl: '0'
>Jul 13 14:30:56 mod_sql/4.2.5[23479]: exiting   postgres 
>Jul 13 14:30:56 mod_sql/4.2.5[23479]: mod_sql engine     : on
>Jul 13 14:30:56 mod_sql/4.2.5[23479]: negative_cache     : off
>Jul 13 14:30:56 mod_sql/4.2.5[23479]: authenticate       : users
>Jul 13 14:30:56 mod_sql/4.2.5[23479]: usertable          : users
>Jul 13 14:30:56 mod_sql/4.2.5[23479]: userid field       : userid
>Jul 13 14:30:56 mod_sql/4.2.5[23479]: password field     : passwd
>Jul 13 14:30:56 mod_sql/4.2.5[23479]: UID field          : uid
>Jul 13 14:30:56 mod_sql/4.2.5[23479]: GID field          : gid
>Jul 13 14:30:56 mod_sql/4.2.5[23479]: homedir field      : homedir
>Jul 13 14:30:56 mod_sql/4.2.5[23479]: homedir(default)   : 
>Jul 13 14:30:56 mod_sql/4.2.5[23479]: shell field        : shell
>Jul 13 14:30:56 mod_sql/4.2.5[23479]: SQLMinUserUID      : 98
>Jul 13 14:30:56 mod_sql/4.2.5[23479]: SQLMinUserGID      : 98
>Jul 13 14:30:56 mod_sql/4.2.5[23479]: <<< sql_sess_init
>Jul 13 14:31:14 mod_sql/4.2.5[23479]: >>> sql_pre_pass
>Jul 13 14:31:14 mod_sql/4.2.5[23479]: <<< sql_pre_pass
>Jul 13 14:31:14 mod_sql/4.2.5[23479]: >>> cmd_getpwnam
>Jul 13 14:31:14 mod_sql/4.2.5[23479]: entering  postgres cmd_escapestring
>Jul 13 14:31:14 mod_sql/4.2.5[23479]: entering  postgres cmd_open
>Jul 13 14:31:14 mod_sql/4.2.5[23479]: Postgres server version: 8.4.11
>Jul 13 14:31:14 mod_sql/4.2.5[23479]: Postgres connection character set 
>now 'UTF8' (from 'UTF-8
>Jul 13 14:31:14 mod_sql/4.2.5[23479]: connection 'default' opened
>Jul 13 14:31:14 mod_sql/4.2.5[23479]: connection 'default' count is now 2
>Jul 13 14:31:14 mod_sql/4.2.5[23479]: exiting   postgres cmd_open
>Jul 13 14:31:14 mod_sql/4.2.5[23479]: entering  postgres cmd_close
>Jul 13 14:31:14 mod_sql/4.2.5[23479]: connection 'default' count is now 1
>Jul 13 14:31:14 mod_sql/4.2.5[23479]: exiting   postgres cmd_close
>Jul 13 14:31:14 mod_sql/4.2.5[23479]: exiting   postgres cmd_escapestring
>Jul 13 14:31:14 mod_sql/4.2.5[23479]: cache miss for user 
>Jul 13 14:31:14 mod_sql/4.2.5[23479]: >>> sql_lookup
>Jul 13 14:31:14 mod_sql/4.2.5[23479]: >>> process_named_query 
>Jul 13 14:31:14 mod_sql/4.2.5[23479]: entering  postgres cmd_escapestring
>Jul 13 14:31:14 mod_sql/4.2.5[23479]: entering  postgres cmd_open
>Jul 13 14:31:14 mod_sql/4.2.5[23479]: connection 'default' count is now 2
>Jul 13 14:31:14 mod_sql/4.2.5[23479]: exiting   postgres cmd_open
>Jul 13 14:31:14 mod_sql/4.2.5[23479]: entering  postgres cmd_close
>Jul 13 14:31:14 mod_sql/4.2.5[23479]: connection 'default' count is now 1
>Jul 13 14:31:14 mod_sql/4.2.5[23479]: exiting   postgres cmd_close
>Jul 13 14:31:14 mod_sql/4.2.5[23479]: exiting   postgres cmd_escapestring
>Jul 13 14:31:14 mod_sql/4.2.5[23479]: entering  postgres cmd_select
>Jul 13 14:31:14 mod_sql/4.2.5[23479]: entering  postgres cmd_open
>Jul 13 14:31:14 mod_sql/4.2.5[23479]: connection 'default' count is now 2
>Jul 13 14:31:14 mod_sql/4.2.5[23479]: exiting   postgres cmd_open
>Jul 13 14:31:14 mod_sql/4.2.5[23479]: query "SELECT 
>FROM galaxy_user WHERE email=''"
>Jul 13 14:31:14 mod_sql/4.2.5[23479]: entering  postgres cmd_close
>Jul 13 14:31:14 mod_sql/4.2.5[23479]: connection 'default' count is now 1
>Jul 13 14:31:14 mod_sql/4.2.5[23479]: exiting   postgres cmd_close
>Jul 13 14:31:14 mod_sql/4.2.5[23479]: exiting   postgres cmd_select
>Jul 13 14:31:14 mod_sql/4.2.5[23479]: <<< process_named_query 
>Jul 13 14:31:14 mod_sql/4.2.5[23479]: <<< sql_lookup
>Jul 13 14:31:14 mod_sql/4.2.5[23479]: cache miss for user 
>Jul 13 14:31:14 mod_sql/4.2.5[23479]: user '' cached
>Jul 13 14:31:14 mod_sql/4.2.5[23479]: + pwd.pw_name  :
>Jul 13 14:31:14 mod_sql/4.2.5[23479]: + pwd.pw_uid   : 600
>Jul 13 14:31:14 mod_sql/4.2.5[23479]: + pwd.pw_gid   : 601
>Jul 13 14:31:14 mod_sql/4.2.5[23479]: + pwd.pw_dir   : 
>Jul 13 14:31:14 mod_sql/4.2.5[23479]: + pwd.pw_shell : /bin/bash
>Jul 13 14:31:14 mod_sql/4.2.5[23479]: <<< cmd_getpwnam
>Jul 13 14:31:14 mod_sql/4.2.5[23479]: >>> cmd_auth
>Jul 13 14:31:14 mod_sql/4.2.5[23479]: entering  postgres cmd_escapestring
>Jul 13 14:31:14 mod_sql/4.2.5[23479]: entering  postgres cmd_open
>Jul 13 14:31:14 mod_sql/4.2.5[23479]: connection 'default' count is now 2
>Jul 13 14:31:14 mod_sql/4.2.5[23479]: exiting   postgres cmd_open
>Jul 13 14:31:14 mod_sql/4.2.5[23479]: entering  postgres cmd_close
>Jul 13 14:31:14 mod_sql/4.2.5[23479]: connection 'default' count is now 1
>Jul 13 14:31:14 mod_sql/4.2.5[23479]: exiting   postgres cmd_close
>Jul 13 14:31:14 mod_sql/4.2.5[23479]: exiting   postgres cmd_escapestring
>Jul 13 14:31:14 mod_sql/4.2.5[23479]: cache hit for user 
>Jul 13 14:31:14 mod_sql/4.2.5[23479]: >>> cmd_check
>Jul 13 14:31:14 mod_sql/4.2.5[23479]: checking password using 
>SQLAuthType 'sha1'
>Jul 13 14:31:14 mod_sql/4.2.5[23479]: 'sha1' SQLAuthType handler reports 
>Jul 13 14:31:14 mod_sql/4.2.5[23479]: cache hit for user 
>Jul 13 14:31:14 mod_sql/4.2.5[23479]: <<< cmd_check
>Jul 13 14:31:14 mod_sql/4.2.5[23479]: <<< cmd_auth
>Jul 13 14:31:14 mod_sql/4.2.5[23479]: >>> cmd_getpwnam
>Jul 13 14:31:14 mod_sql/4.2.5[23479]: cache hit for user 
>Jul 13 14:31:14 mod_sql/4.2.5[23479]: <<< cmd_getpwnam
>Jul 13 14:31:14 mod_sql/4.2.5[23479]: entering  postgres cmd_exit
>Jul 13 14:31:14 mod_sql/4.2.5[23479]: entering  postgres cmd_close
>Jul 13 14:31:14 mod_sql/4.2.5[23479]: connection 'default' closed
>Jul 13 14:31:14 mod_sql/4.2.5[23479]: connection 'default' count is now 0
>Jul 13 14:31:14 mod_sql/4.2.5[23479]: exiting   postgres cmd_close
>Jul 13 14:31:14 mod_sql/4.2.5[23479]: exiting   postgres cmd_exit
>So a lot of exiting here. Can anybody help me further with this?
>Have a pleasant weekend!
>Joachim Jacob, PhD
>Rijvisschestraat 120, 9052 Zwijnaarde
>Tel: +32 9 244.66.34
>Bioinformatics Training and Services (BITS)
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