*Galaxy September 7, 2012 Distribution & News Brief*




   *NCBI BLAST+ has moved* from the Galaxy distribution to the Galaxy's
   Main Tool Shed.


   *Tool Shed* *is now running Mercurial version 2.2.3*. Many updates
   and refinements including UI/metadata changes - read the full report.


   *Streamline local setup* with the *Reference Genome rsync Server*:
   same builds and indexes as on the public Galaxy Main instance.


        More *updates to* *Output and Error Handling* including updated
   documentation and enhancements to exit code checks.


   *TopHat2 / Bowtie2* latest support includes Tophat2 fusions output,
   Bowtie2 sorted BAMs, and a new RNA-seq Tutorial.


   *Trackster* updates include improved *support for* *bigWig /
   bigBed*, new support for *bedGraph*, and a new *search feature for
   GFF / GTF / BED* datasets.


        Plus many *other* *Workflow, API, Source, UI* *features* and a
   summary of *recent Galaxy Update* highlights.



*new: *    $ hg clone http://www.bx.psu.edu/hg/galaxy galaxy-dist

*upgrade:* $ hg pull -u -r e6444e7a1685


*Thanks for using Galaxy!*

Jennifer Jackson & Galaxy Team




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