Hi everyone!

We are targeting a web conference for our second Galaxy Deployers/Operators
group meeting for the last two weeks of September.  The time we set for the
September meeting I would like to use as a template for future meetings.
(EG 3rd Monday at 9 am central time).   Please take a moment to fill out the
doodle poll with all times you would be available to participate in such a
call ­ this will help us choose the best day/time for the majority.


Once again, this teleconference will be held using Elluminate
Live/Blackboard Collborate web conference - so all data (including voice)
will be over the internet. It seemed to hold up well during our first web
conference and we can record our session and post it for playback off of the
wiki.  We have posted the recording of our last conference on our group wiki


Here is a draft agenda for our September call - comments are welcome :

September Mtg.

* Name change!  GalaxyCzars may not fit us right Š please bring your
suggestions or email them ahead of time.  We will provide a virtual toast to
the winning suggestion!
* Presentation: Alex Moskalenko will present on the University of Florida's
Galaxy and experiences with migrating to the latest Galaxy release.
* Open Mic: Bring your problems, your successes, and questions for

Thanks so much! 


Ann Black-Ziegelbein
Senior Application Developer
University of Iowa 
Center for Bioinformatics and Computational Biology
Iowa Institute for Human Genetics

Please keep all replies on the list by using "reply all"
in your mail client.  To manage your subscriptions to this
and other Galaxy lists, please use the interface at:


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