
I follow this tutorial to configure FTP with galaxy :

However, even if I can [ log into / upload file to / donwload file to
] my ftp server with my Galaxy account, I can not retrieve these data
on my Galaxy Web server.
It says : "Your FTP upload directory contains no files."
The directory with my email account is created and the file exists.

I have to say that my proftpd account is a special account : ftpgalaxy
(like the howto).

This is not the user used by the galaxy daemon process. If I change
the user to the galaxy daemon user (which is 'galaxy'), I can not
login anymore into my ftp server.

The only way to login on my ftp server is tu put my UID/GID used by
'ftpgalaxy' account in my SELECT query.

Those two servers are not on the same computer. But those 2 accounts
exists with the same UID/GID on both computers.

Any help would be appreciated.

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