Hi All, 

I'm trying to dynamically load labels from a BioConductor ExpressionSet file 
(binary .RData) into a select item type. 
This works just fine, but with a few caveats. 

Example (for reference, this is from a modification of 

<code file="CL_code.py"/>
    <param name="eset" type="data" label="Expression set" format="rdata" 
force_select="True" help="An R data file containing an ExpressionSet"/> 
    <param name="label" type="select" 
dynamic_options="get_label(eset,False,'class')" force_select="True" 
label="Variable to test" size="20" help="Name of the variable subject to 
testing" /> ...

I would like to remove the deprecated page tags here (also then the tool can be 
added to a workflow).
However if I do that and then select an ExpressionSet file, the select list 
does not update.  It only works when loading the page for the first time, or 
when I use the page tags. 
For text files the solution would be easy; just use type="data_column" and 
data_ref="yourinputfileparamname" and it auto-updates the select field (though 
not with the actual column names but that is another issue). 
With a binary file this is not possible, therefore the dynamic_options feature 
is needed to do this. 

Does anyone know of a way to get this to work without using the page tags?

Kind regards,

Bas Horsman
Dept. Bioinformatics
Erasmus MC

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