Hi Ted,

This looks like a good solution to me.  I'll add your contributions to the 
Galaxy code base as soon as I get a chance.

Thanks for all of your efforts on this!

Greg Von Kuster

On Jan 7, 2013, at 3:22 PM, Ted Goldstein wrote:

> Hi  Greg and James,
> This has become a plumbing project.  What starts off as fixing a leaky faucet 
> ends being a $200 bill replacing the entire sink ;-).  But I don't see anyway 
> around it.
> Yes, there is a lot of power in the allowed method since it uses a function 
> or a lambda. There are two problems with this: idea (1) it feels wrong to 
> have a predicate method called allowed modify the state of the object.
> and worse,(2)  the Python context that the lambda is capturing is at global 
> instantiation time.  But the data that I need captured and saved in the page 
> exist only after the user has made a set of choices. Thus it only exists in a 
> previous call to thePage.list() method.
> Another problem. 
> Since this is a multi operation, the state that needs to be passed cannot go 
> into the  form URL itself of the form. I see that the call to get the URL  of 
> the form in grid_base.mako at line 702 does not take any operation arguments. 
>  Which is correct.  Normally the submit button on an HTML form does not 
> modify the form's URL  The usual solution from an HTML perspective is to have 
> hidden input fields on an HTML form.   So the solution would be to extend the 
> Grid class to generate and use hidden input fields.  This would be done on  a 
> copy of the grid object;. So there needs to be a new Grid method.
> (my changes in bold)
> class Grid
> ...
>     def clone_with_pass_through_data(self, data_dict):
>         # make a copy of myself for use in passing though data
>         clone = deepcopy(self)
>         clone.pass_through_data = data_dict
>         return clone
> my  example use in Page.list()
>                # Clone a copy of grid to have the pageids.
>                 grid = 
> self._libraries_selection_grid.clone_with_pass_through_data({"pageids": 
> pageidsraw});
>                 return trans.fill_template( 
> "page/library_datasets_select_grid.mako", pagetitles=pagetitles, grid=grid, 
> **kwargs)
> pass_through_data   has a three line implementation in grid_base.mako
>    <form action="${url()}" method="post" onsubmit="return false;">
>         <input type="hidden" name="webapp" value="${webapp}"/>
>       %for pass_name, pass_value in grid.pass_through_data.items():
>             <input type="hidden" name="${pass_name}" value="${pass_value}"/>
>         %endfor
>  ..
> But  nothing is simple, form parameters  arguments are more complex than they 
> sem at first.
>       function go_to_URL() {
>             // Not async request.
>             url_args['async'] = false;
>             // Build argument string.
>             var arg_str = "";
>             for (var arg in url_args) {
>                 arg_str = arg_str + arg + "=" + url_args[arg] + "&";
>             }
>             // add in hidden fields
>             $('input[type=hidden]').each(function() {
>                 if (this.name == "webapp" || this.name == 
> "select_all_checkbox")
>                    return
>                 else
>                     arg_str = arg_str + this.name + "=" + this.value + "&";
>             })
>             // Go.
>             window.location = encodeURI( "${h.url_for()}?" + arg_str );
>         }
> What do you think of this idea?
> Ted
> On Jan 7, 2013, at 7:00 AM, James Taylor wrote:
>> Ted, have you considered if you can do what you need with the 'allowed' 
>> method of GridOperation? It let's you define a callable condition that 
>> determines if that operation is allowed on a given item. It does not have 
>> access to trans but it would be reasonable to add that. 
>> --
>> James Taylor, Assistant Professor, Biology/CS, Emory University
>> On Mon, Jan 7, 2013 at 2:55 AM, Ted Goldstein <t...@soe.ucsc.edu> wrote:
>> HI Greg,
>> I thought of this. But there is potential bug in it which has security 
>> implications.  Though it is a low probability event, I have seen this sort 
>> of leakage happen in other environments where user data was stuck into 
>> globally shared objects.   The grid object is shared by all requests.  You 
>> are storing user specific data in the GridOperation. So if there is an 
>> unfortunate context switch in the middle of the setting the ids int the grid 
>> operation but before they are used,  the user specific data of one user will 
>> be visible to the other user.   Of course the solution is to make sure the 
>> grid is not shared (e.g. it is instantiated or  deep-copied) in the function 
>> or at least in the request thread that uses it.   
>> Thanks,  I will do this with on a deepcopy of the Grid to ensure that it 
>> doesn't et shared between threads.   You might want to chsnge the code in 
>> repository.py
>> Best regards,
>> Ted
>> On Jan 6, 2013, at 4:12 PM, Greg Von Kuster wrote:
>>> Hi Ted,
>>> If I understand what your trying to do, I believe I've implemented grid 
>>> operations similar to what your attempting in several places in the Galaxy 
>>> tool shed, so checking the various grid classes and associated methods in 
>>> /lib/galaxy/webapps/community/controllers will give you some examples.
>>> The trick is that you need to define the grid operations outside of the 
>>> grid class itself, but in the method that calls the grid (but just before 
>>> the call to display it) so the request parameters will include the selected 
>>> page ids.  
>>> For an example of what I'm talking about, see the following method on about 
>>> line #740 in my ~/lib/galaxy/webapps/community/controllers/repository.py 
>>> code file.
>>> Here is the relevant snippet of code.
>>> def browse_valid_repositories( self, trans, **kwd ):
>>> ...irrelevant code not displayed...
>>>         repository_id = None
>>>         for k, v in kwd.items():
>>>             changset_revision_str = 'changeset_revision_'
>>>             if k.startswith( changset_revision_str ):
>>>                 repository_id = trans.security.encode_id( int( k.lstrip( 
>>> changset_revision_str ) ) )
>>>                 repository = suc.get_repository_in_tool_shed( trans, 
>>> repository_id )
>>>                 if repository.tip( trans.app ) != v:
>>>                     return trans.response.send_redirect( web.url_for( 
>>> controller='repository',
>>> action='preview_tools_in_changeset',
>>> repository_id=trans.security.encode_id( repository.id ),
>>> changeset_revision=v ) )
>>>         url_args = dict( action='browse_valid_repositories',
>>>                          operation='preview_tools_in_changeset',
>>>                          repository_id=repository_id )
>>>         self.valid_repository_grid.operations = [ grids.GridOperation( 
>>> "Preview and install",
>>> url_args=url_args,
>>> allow_multiple=False,
>>> async_compatible=False ) ]
>>>         return self.valid_repository_grid( trans, **kwd )
>>> Sorry if I misunderstood your dilemma and this does not help you.
>>> Greg Von Kuster
>>> On Jan 6, 2013, at 4:52 PM, Ted Goldstein wrote:
>>>> Hi,
>>>> Based on a suggestion by James Taylor, I am working on extending the 
>>>> security model so that pages can use the same RBAC permission system used 
>>>> in libraries. In fact, many of my pages have assets (images, etc) which 
>>>> are stored in a library. So this is a natural model. Therefore I want to 
>>>> make a connection between Pages and Libraries. that is visible to the user 
>>>> and extends the security model of page access. The owner of the page 
>>>> essentially grants anyone with access to a library access to the page as 
>>>> well. This part is going well.  It is few lines of code in the page access 
>>>> security code.
>>>> The implementation is to that I created a many-to-many relationship table 
>>>> LibraryPageAssociation, that  "Connects" Page objects to Library Objects.  
>>>> Grid objects provide a convenient interface to selecting multiple of each. 
>>>> In fact, I just extend the  regular PageListGrid  instantiated  by the 
>>>> /page/list  action  to select the pages by adding a  new GridOperation 
>>>> labeled "Select Libraries"  which then brings up new Grid 
>>>> LibrarySelectGrid (similar to the one visualization.py, but simpler) it 
>>>> has one GridOperation labeled "Connect Pages to Libraries"   
>>>> (allows_multi=True).
>>>> Here is the problem:  I can pass the page ids (enoded) into the mako page 
>>>> that carries the LibrarySelectGrid.  But I don't see a way to parametriize 
>>>>  "Connect Pages to Libraries"  GridOperation to pass anything out of the 
>>>> page except the Grid Sttate itself.   Do I have to extend GridOperation or 
>>>> am I missing something?  I have tried a number of things with url_args and 
>>>> global_operation lambda.  But these execute at controller instantiation 
>>>> time -- much too early. I need the page_ids that the user selects in the 
>>>> PageListGrid.
>>>> See the ???? in the bold region below.
>>>> Thanks,
>>>> Ted
>>>> diff -r 13098c7dc32a lib/galaxy/webapps/galaxy/controllers/page.py
>>>> --- a/lib/galaxy/webapps/galaxy/controllers/page.py        Sat Jan 05 
>>>> 17:40:49 2013 -0800
>>>> +++ b/lib/galaxy/webapps/galaxy/controllers/page.py        Sun Jan 06 
>>>> 13:47:05 2013 -0800
>>>> @@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
>>>> +import pdb
>>>>  from sqlalchemy import desc, and_
>>>>  from galaxy import model, web
>>>>  from galaxy.web import error, url_for
>>>> @@ -8,9 +9,6 @@
>>>>  from galaxy.util.odict import odict
>>>>  from galaxy.util.json import from_json_string
>>>>  from galaxy.web.base.controller import *
>>>> -"""
>>>> -from galaxy.webapps.galaxy.controllers.library import LibraryListGrid;
>>>> -"""
>>>>  def format_bool( b ):
>>>> @@ -54,6 +52,7 @@
>>>>          grids.GridOperation( "Edit content", allow_multiple=False, 
>>>> url_args=dict( action='edit_content') ),
>>>>          grids.GridOperation( "Edit attributes", allow_multiple=False, 
>>>> url_args=dict( action='edit') ),
>>>>          grids.GridOperation( "Share or Publish", allow_multiple=False, 
>>>> condition=( lambda item: not item.deleted ), async_compatible=False ),
>>>> +        grids.GridOperation( "Select Library", allow_multiple=True,  
>>>> condition=( lambda item: not item.deleted ), async_compatible=False ),
>>>>          grids.GridOperation( "Delete", confirm="Are you sure you want to 
>>>> delete this page?" ),
>>>>      ]
>>>>      def apply_query_filter( self, trans, query, **kwargs ):
>>>> @@ -198,24 +197,37 @@
>>>>          key="free-text-search", visible=False, filterable="standard" )
>>>>                  )
>>>> -"""
>>>> -class PageLibrariesSelectionGrid( LibraryListGrid ):
>>>> -    ""
>>>> -    Grid enables user to select multiple Libraries, which are then 
>>>> connected to the page.
>>>> -    ""
>>>> -    title = "Select Librariies"
>>>> -    template='/tracks/history_select_grid.mako'
>>>> +class LibrarySelectionGrid( ItemSelectionGrid ):
>>>> +    """ Grid for selecting library. """
>>>> +    # Grid definition.
>>>> +    title = "Select Libraries "
>>>>      model_class = model.Library
>>>> -    datasets_action = 'list_library_datasets'
>>>> -    datasets_param = "f-library"
>>>>      columns = [
>>>> -        NameColumn( "Library Name", key="name", filterable="standard" )
>>>> +       grids.TextColumn( "Library Name", key="name", 
>>>> filterable="standard" ),
>>>> +       grids.TextColumn( "Description", key="description", 
>>>> filterable="advanced" ),
>>>> +       grids.TextColumn( "Synopsis", key="synopsis", 
>>>> filterable="advanced" )
>>>>      ]
>>>> -    num_rows_per_page = 10
>>>> -    use_async = True
>>>> -    use_paging = True
>>>> -"""
>>>> -        
>>>> +    operations = [
>>>> +            grids.GridOperation( "Connect to Library", 
>>>> allow_multiple=True,
>>>> +                url_args=???????????,
>>>> +                async_compatible=False ),
>>>> +    ]
>>>> +
>>>> +    def apply_query_filter( self, trans, query, **kwargs ):
>>>> +        """Return all data libraries that the received user can access"""
>>>> +        user = trans.user
>>>> +        current_user_role_ids = [ role.id for role in user.all_roles() ]
>>>> +        library_access_action = 
>>>> trans.app.model.Library.permitted_actions.LIBRARY_ACCESS.action
>>>> +        restricted_library_ids = [ lp.library_id for lp in 
>>>> trans.sa_session.query( trans.model.LibraryPermissions ) \
>>>> +                                                                          
>>>>  .filter( trans.model.LibraryPermissions.table.c.action == 
>>>> library_access_action ) \
>>>> +                                                                          
>>>>  .distinct() ]
>>>> +        accessible_restricted_library_ids = [ lp.library_id for lp in 
>>>> trans.sa_session.query( trans.model.LibraryPermissions ) \
>>>> +                                                                          
>>>>             .filter( and_( trans.model.LibraryPermissions.table.c.action 
>>>> == library_access_action,
>>>> +                                                                          
>>>> trans.model.LibraryPermissions.table.c.role_id.in_( current_user_role_ids 
>>>> ) ) ) ]
>>>> +        # Filter to get libraries accessible by the current user.  Get 
>>>> both 
>>>> +        # public libraries and restricted libraries accessible by the 
>>>> current user.
>>>> +        return query.filter( and_( trans.model.Library.table.c.deleted == 
>>>> False, ( or_( not_( trans.model.Library.table.c.id.in_( 
>>>> restricted_library_ids ) ), trans.model.Library.table.c.id.in_( 
>>>> accessible_restricted_library_ids ) ) ) ) )  .order_by( 
>>>> trans.app.model.Library.name )
>>>> +                
>>>>  @ -309,16 +321,28 @@
>>>>      _datasets_selection_grid = HistoryDatasetAssociationSelectionGrid()
>>>>      _page_selection_grid = PageSelectionGrid()
>>>>      _visualization_selection_grid = VisualizationSelectionGrid()
>>>> -    """
>>>> -    _libraries_selection_grid = LibrariesSelectionGrid()
>>>> -    """
>>>> +    _libraries_selection_grid = LibrarySelectionGrid()
>>>>      @web.expose
>>>>      @web.require_login()  
>>>>      def list( self, trans, *args, **kwargs ):
>>>>          """ List user's pages. """
>>>>          # Handle operation
>>>> -        if 'operation' in kwargs and 'id' in kwargs:
>>>> +
>>>> +
>>>> +        # library connect step 1
>>>> +        if 'operation' in kwargs and kwargs['operation'] == 'select 
>>>> library':
>>>> +            ids = util.listify( kwargs['id'] )
>>>> +            session = trans.sa_session
>>>> +            pages = [session.query( model.Page ).get( 
>>>> trans.security.decode_id( id ) ) for id in ids]
>>>> +            return trans.fill_template( 
>>>> "page/library_datasets_select_grid.mako",  pages=pages, 
>>>> grid=self._libraries_selection_grid, **kwargs)
>>>> +
>>>> +        # library connect step 2
>>>> +        elif 'operation' in kwargs and kwargs['operation'] == 'connect to 
>>>> library':
>>>> +            # TBD
>>>> +            pdb.set_trace()
>>>> +
>>>> +        elif 'operation' in kwargs and 'id' in kwargs:
>>>>              session = trans.sa_session
>>>>              operation = kwargs['operation'].lower()
>>>>              ids = util.listify( kwargs['id'] )
>>>> @@ -765,14 +789,12 @@
>>>>          # Render the list view
>>>>          return self._workflow_selection_grid( trans, **kwargs )
>>>> -    """
>>>>      @web.expose
>>>>      @web.require_login("select libraries from all accessible libraries")
>>>>      def list_libraries_for_selection( self, trans, **kwargs ):
>>>>          " Returns HTML that enables a user to select one or more 
>>>> libraries. "
>>>>          # Render the list view
>>>>          return self._libraries_selection_grid( trans, **kwargs )
>>>> -    """
>>>>      @web.expose
>>>>      @web.require_login("select a visualization from saved visualizations")
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