Dear Galaxy DevTeam,
I have made a few updates to the bowtie_wrappers tool from the Tool
Shed, may someone please pull from:

for the following changes:
- Add fields for --nofw and --norc options also for single-end reads
- Remove field for --cutoff option of bowtie-build
- Do not show fields for --best and --strata options for paired-end
- Add control to choose between -a and -k options
- Show fields for --pairtries and --maxbts options only when noTryHard
- Add control to choose between Maq- and SOAP-like alignment
- Add range validators to all integer parameters

I am not sure this mailing list is the correct place for such pull
requests, if not please advise me!

Nicola Soranzo, Ph.D.
Bioinformatics Program
Loc. Piscina Manna
09010 Pula (CA), Italy

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