Hi all,

it seems my clean-up enthusiasm caused some inconsistencies with datasets' 
deleted status. I encounter the following phenomenon: datasets appear totally 
fine in the data libraries, but once they are loaded into a history, they 
appear as deleted there.

I dug through the database and found out that the following query returns all 
datasets in the libraries that were uploaded before my clean-up:

SELECT * FROM library_dataset_dataset_association INNER JOIN library_dataset ON 
 library_dataset_dataset_association.library_dataset_id = library_dataset.id
WHERE library_dataset_dataset_association.deleted = TRUE AND 
library_dataset.deleted = FALSE;

When I set both deleted to false, only datasets that were added after the 
clean-up appear.

Do I break something, if I reset library_dataset_dataset_association.deleted to 
FALSE for the inconsistent datasets? I tried it for one dataset and that seems 
to have fixed the problem. Is this some bug in the clean-up scripts? I guess 
that actually they should have been removed completely.

Best regards,
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