Thanks Dan!

I am not sure about the dataset redirecting places other than ucsc and
wormbase genome browser.
By now, this can be done through Trackster right? Then I will
probably disable the external redirecting.

any comments/suggestions.


Hi Vipin,
> Thank you for reporting this issue.
> This has to do with the way that the old-style (hard-coded) display
> applications were modified after introduction of roles to authorize access
> to an user's datasets that might be permission protected.
> Ideally, with these old-style applications, much of the work that is being
> done upfront on history load would be backended to happen after the user
> clicks to view a dataset -- e.g. the viewport is being generated for all
> datasets in a history, example link:
> http://localhost:8080/datasets/190/display_at/ucsc_main?
> If redesigned so that everything happens after the user clicks the link, I
> see no reason why the redirect_url functionality could not be removed. As
> it stands now, the redirect url is %s substituted with the URL-encoded
> value that will contain the authorized URL to access the dataset (e.g.
> http://localhost:8080/root/display_as?id=190&display_app=ucsc&authz_method=display_at),
> and then the user is redirected there.
> I've added a Trello card ( for this issue.
> In the mean time, however, I have committed a patch to the stable branch
> that will allow administrators to disable the use of the old-style display
> applications.
> Thanks for using Galaxy,
> Dan
> On Mar 12, 2013, at 12:08 PM, Vipin TS wrote:
> Hello dev-members,
> We are trying to place our public Galaxy 
> instance<>in a more secured manner, Currently I 
> am playing with few test cases about
> the redirection vulnerabilities.
> The following link uses a URL variable called “redirect_url” to redirect a
> user to a given page. While this variable is intended to only direct a user
> to a trusted page, it fails to validate the provided value and therefore
> can be used to redirect to any page.
> http://localhost:8080/datasets/332056/display_at/ucsc_test?redirect_url=
> This example redirects a user to Google, but it could just as easily be
> used to direct a user to a page that contains any malware.
> To resolve the issue, may be validate all user controlled input, including
> the GET request variables. If the input is intended to redirect a user, it
> must be validated to ensure it only presents them with a page on the
> trusted site.
> any comments or suggestions to work around this.
> thanks
> --/Vipin
> Rätschlab, Computational biology dept.
> Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center
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