
I am a new Galaxy User.
I am definitely not an expert in informatics, so my questions may sound
silly to you... I apologize if it is the case!
Anyway, I cound not establish a ftp connexion to Galaxy through Filezilla,
and the error message suggests that it comes from an incorrect password to

Here is the messages displayed by Filezilla (french version) while trying
to connnect:

Statut :        Résolution de l'adresse de main.g2.bx.psu.edu
Statut :        Connexion à
Statut :        Connexion établie, attente du message d'accueil...
Réponse :       220 ProFTPD 1.3.4b Server (Galaxy Main Server FTP)
Commande :      USER fbesn...@biologie.ens.fr
Réponse :       331 Password required for fbesn...@biologie.ens.fr
Commande :      PASS ***************
Réponse :       530 Login incorrect.
Erreur :        Erreur critique
Erreur :        Impossible d'établir une connexion au serveur

I was puzzled by this error message, because I do connect as user in the
Galaxy website. As recommended, I use the SAME login (=email
adress)/Password in both Galaxy login page and filezilla.
I tried to reset my password and connect again: I could connect directly
to the web site, but I still failed establishing a connexion via

I just created an account yesterday to Galaxy (Tuesday, 21th of May 2013).
Maybe I should just wait a little bit for a synchronization of the user
connexion parameters, should I?

Moreover, my Filezilla is working with other ftp server, so that I think
we can exclude that the problem comes from there.

I extensively looked for similar trouble reports on internet (googling
with other terms "530 Login incorrect"). Unfortunately, I could not solve
this problem. However, I found that you were asked one year ago for a
similar problem in this page:
http://lists.bx.psu.edu/pipermail/galaxy-dev/2012-July/010457.html But I
must confess that I could not understand most of what was written in this
informatic experts discussion! By the way, my system is not an ubuntu, so
I think that the solution you suggested would not work in my case.

Here are the characteristics and versions of the systems installed on my
Operating system: Windows 7 professionnal, 64bits
Filezilla Client
Firefox 20.0.1

I really thank you for reading this help message and I hope that you could
explain me how to solve my problem.

I look forward to reading your answer soon,
Best regards,

Fabrice Besnard
Institute of Biology of the Ecole Normale Supérieure (IBENS)
46 rue d'Ulm, 75230 Paris cedex 05, France
8th floor. Office: Room 802. Lab: Room 817.
mail: fbesn...@biologie.ens.fr
Tel: +33-1-44-32-39-44

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