On Tue, Oct 22, 2013 at 8:54 AM, Jean-Francois Payotte
<jean-francois.payo...@dnalandmarks.ca> wrote:
> Dear Galaxy Gurus,
> I have been requested to find a way to tag each job (created when running a
> workflow) with a "Project ID".
> The user would have the possibility to enter a "Project ID" (maybe as a
> workflow parameter) and then, some mechanism would link all of these jobs
> with the "Project ID".
> Ultimately, the goal would be to create reports on our computer resources
> utilisation (total CPU time each project consumed). This would be really
> helpful in understanding the costs associated with the projects analyses.
> I know I can use the "job_runner_external_id" to retrieve the actual CPU
> usages but I still need to find a way to associate the jobs with the
> "Project ID".
> As of now, I don't see any *clean* way to do this.
> Anyone would have an idea on how I could implement this feature?  Or tell me
> if it's not possible at all?

Hello Jean-François,

Is it important to allow histories that correspond to multiple
projects? If not, you could use the history tagging functionality to
tag each history with something like "Project:0001". You should be
able then to link jobs to histories to tags and build queries for this

The other downside to this approach is that histories aren't forced to
have a tag - so the responsibility for tagging falls on the users. In
some institutions/scenarios that might be fine, others it might be

I know other people have wanted to do something like this, so
hopefully there are some other ideas out there as well.

If there aren't ideal solutions to this, perhaps a Trello card should
be created for something like: "Implement workflow-wide actions
including option allowing each generated dataset to be 'tagged' based
on workflow parameters."

I don't think you are the only one who would be interested in this
functionality and of course pull requests are of course welcome as
well :).

> Many thanks for your help.
> Galaxy is just incredible!



> Jean-François Payotte
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