Hi Eric,

I've pasted the text into the
http://wiki.galaxyproject.org/Admin/Config/ProFTPd_with_AD page.  I used
the Apache syntax highlighter for the ProFTPd configuration file snippets,
which I'm pretty sure is not exactly right, but I'm guessing it's close

To unlock a page for editing you need to create an account, login, and then
edit the page.  This is a big pain until your account becomes *vetted*.
 Until then you have to answer Galaxy trivial pursuit  questions on every
save.  We vet accounts on request, or once a month, whichever happens

Thanks for contributing this,

Dave C

On Thu, Nov 14, 2013 at 1:03 PM, Eric Rasche <rasche.e...@yandex.ru> wrote:

> Hash: SHA1
> I'd like to contribute what I've learnt today to this particular page.
> As it is "locked", I am unsure how to contribute my information, so I'm
> posting here in the hopes that someone with rights will update it.
> Formatted in (pandoc compatible) Markdown for your ease.
> # Configuring ProFTPD with OpenLDAP
> I've found a set of working options for using ProFTPD with OpenLDAP
> servers (instead of AD).
> This configuration file can be modified and placed in
> `/etc/proftpd/conf.d/galaxy.conf
> Using the /conf.d/ directory, you can allow the ProFTPd to serve both
> local users (with PAM authentication) in the main configuration file,
> AND galaxy users on another port.
> ```
> <VirtualHost xxx.yyy.zzz>
>         RequireValidShell       off
>         User                    galaxy
>         Group                   galaxy
>         Umask                   137 027
>         AllowOverwrite          on
>         # Ensure auth is LDAP
>         AuthPAM                 off
>         AuthOrder               mod_ldap.c
>         # Serve this VirtualHost on port 4000
>         Port                    4000
>         # LDAP Bind information
>         LDAPServer              ldaps://xxx.yyy.zzz/??sub
>         LDAPUsers               "ou=People,dc=yyy,dc=zzz"  "(uid=%u)"
>         LDAPAuthBinds           on
>         # Force those numbers even if LDAP finds a valid UID/GID
>         LDAPDefaultUID          1003
>         LDAPDefaultGID          1003
>         LDAPForceDefaultUID     on
>         LDAPForceDefaultGID     on
>         # Please generate home dir with user/group rwx permissions.
> Could probably be stricter
>         CreateHome              on 770
>         LDAPGenerateHomedir     on 770
>         # Force this homedir even if LDAP said something different
>         LDAPForceGeneratedHomedir               on
>         LDAPGenerateHomedirPrefix
> "/home/galaxy/galaxy/database/ftp/%u...@cpt.tamu.edu"
>         # The username is already incorporated in the %u, use this or it
> will get appended again
>         LDAPGenerateHomedirPrefixNoUsername     on
>         TransferLog             /var/log/proftpd/xfer-galaxy.log
>         # Cause every FTP user to be "jailed" (chrooted) into their home
> directory
>         DefaultRoot
> "/home/galaxy/galaxy/database/ftp/%u...@cpt.tamu.edu"
>         # Allow users to resume interrupted uploads
>         AllowStoreRestart       on
>         # I set these as my passive ports because I run a very strict
> firewall. Change as needed
>         PassivePorts            49152 50000
> </VirtualHost>
> ```
> Notably, this configuration allows a galaxy virtualhost to coexist with
> the normal FTP capabilities provided by ProFTPd, so users can still
> access their home directories AND galaxy users can upload to galaxy.
> Authentication can of course be changed to suit one's needs.
> # TLS Configuration
> If you're running the galaxy FTP portion under a VirtualHost, like
> described above, you'll notice that TLS directives placed in the main
> proftpd.conf file do not apply to VirtualHosts. As such, you can add a
> section that looks like this to every VirtualHost that needs to be secured
> ```
> <IfModule mod_tls.c>
>         TLSEngine                       on
>         TLSLog                          /var/log/proftpd/tls.galaxy.log
>         # Your cert and private key
>         TLSRSACertificateFile           /etc/ssl/certs/my.crt
>         TLSRSACertificateKeyFile        /etc/ssl/private/my.key
>         TLSCACertificateFile            /etc/ssl/certs/ca.bundle
>         # I've found that this is required for FileZilla
>         TLSOptions    NoCertRequest EnableDiags NoSessionReuseRequired
>         # Most clients won't be sending certs
>         TLSVerifyClient                 off
>         TLSRequired                     on
> </IfModule>
> ```
> Cheers,
> Eric
> - --
> Eric Rasche
> Programmer II
> Center for Phage Technology
> Texas A&M University
> College Station, TX 77843
> 404-692-2048
> e...@tamu.edu
> rasche.e...@yandex.ru
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> =GZx9
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