Hello all,

Just a reminder that GCC2014 Training Day Topic Nominations close this
Friday, December 20.  We have 9 excellent nominations thus
but we need more. If you have something you want to see covered, *then
please nominate a topic <http://bit.ly/gcc2014tdnom> before the end of this


Dave C, on behalf of the GCC2014 Organizing Committee

On Mon, Dec 2, 2013 at 10:32 AM, Dave Clements

> Hello all,
> Training Day topics are nominated by you <http://bit.ly/gcc2014tdnom>,
> the Galaxy Community. Please take a minute to nominate a topic. Any topic
> of interest to the Galaxy Community can be nominated and you are encouraged
> to nominate more than one topic. If you are looking for ideas, see
>    -
>    what was offered at 
> GCC2013<http://wiki.galaxyproject.org/Events/GCC2013/TrainingDay>
>    ,
>    -
>    what topics were nominated in 2013 <http://bit.ly/1i2j1gN>, and
>    -
>    the Events <http://wiki.galaxyproject.org/Events> and the Events
>    Archive <http://wiki.galaxyproject.org/Events/Archive> pages.
> Nominated topics will be published on the Training 
> Day<http://wiki.galaxyproject.org/Events/GCC2014/TrainingDay> page
> as they come in. *Nominations close December 20*. Topics will be compiled
> into a uniform list by the GCC2014 Organizing Committee, and topics will be
> posted and voted on by the Galaxy Community, January 6-17.
> Nominate a topic now! <http://bit.ly/gcc2014tdnom>
> Topics will then be selected and scheduled based on topic interest, and
> the organizers' ability to confirm instructors for each session.  Some very
> popular sessions may be scheduled more than once. The final schedule will
> be posted before registration opens.
> See you in Baltimore!
> GCC2014 Organizing 
> Committee<http://wiki.galaxyproject.org/Events/GCC2014/Organizers>
> ---
> *About GCC2014:*
> The 2014 Galaxy Community Conference 
> (GCC2014)<http://galaxyproject.org/gcc2014>will be held at the Homewood
> Campus<http://webapps.jhu.edu/jhuniverse/information_about_hopkins/campuses/homewood_campus/>
>  of Johns Hopkins University <http://jhu.edu/>, inBaltimore, 
> Maryland<http://visitors.baltimorecity.gov/>,
> United States, from June 30 through July 2, 2014.
> Galaxy Community Conferences are an opportunity to participate in
> presentations, discussions, poster sessions, keynotes, lightning talks and
> bird-of-a-feather gatherings, all about high-throughput biology and the
> tools that support it.
>  --
> http://galaxyproject.org/
> http://getgalaxy.org/
> http://usegalaxy.org/
> http://wiki.galaxyproject.org/

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