I have changed the allowed domain names to their IPs and the error changed from 
Authorization failed to forbidden.  

Connecting to galaxy.umassmed.edu||:80... connected.
HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 403 Forbidden
2014-02-26 16:58:19 ERROR 403: Forbidden.

I added this ip to universe_wsgi.ini too.

display_servers =

I think other people also had the similar problem below but they haven’t solved 
it yet too. 


Does anybody have an idea, what is wrong?


Alper Kucukural, PhD
Bioinformatics Core,
University of Massachusetts Medical School
368 Plantation St.Room AS4.2067
Worcester, MA 01605-2324
Phone: 774-312-4493
E-mail: al...@kucukural.com

On Feb 26, 2014, at 1:50 PM, Kucukural, Alper <alper.kucuku...@umassmed.edu> 

> Hi,
> I need to solve a problem in Apache and could not find a solution. 
> So, we are using remote authentication for galaxy.myserver.edu. It is like a 
> basic authentication in apache. 
> AuthType Basic
> So I want to allow machine1 to access galaxy.myserver.edu/display_application 
> without password.
> On machine1 we have ucsc genome browser mirror and it needs to access to 
> these files like below;
> When I try with wget on machine1
> wget 
> http://galaxy.myserver.edu/display_application/38ac7832780d5a98/ucsc_bam/main/9ac9b1352a49848d/data/galaxy_38ac7832780d5a98.bam
> But it is not working, I always get this error
> Resolving galaxy.myserver.edu... 
> Connecting to galaxy.myserver.edu ||:80... connected.
> HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 401 Authorization Required
> Authorization failed.
> I allow those sites like below in httpd.conf but it is not working.
>     <Location "/display_application">
>       Satisfy Any
>       Order deny,allow
>       Deny from all
>       Allow from machine1.myserver.edu
>       Allow from machine2.myserver.edu
>     </Location>
> Another thing; galaxy is working with proxy, since it is installed port 8080. 
> I directed galaxy.myserver.edu to here. I defined it like below; 
>   <Proxy http://localhost:8080>
>       Order deny,allow
>       Allow from all
>     </Proxy>
> So, everything is working good but ucsc mirror need to access these files 
> served by galaxy without password. 
> http://galaxy.meyserver.edu/display_application/38ac7832780d5a98/ucsc_bam/main/9ac9b1352a49848d/data/galaxy_38ac7832780d5a98.bam
> when I write like below;  
> wget 
> http://myuser:myp...@galaxy.myserver.edu/display_application/38ac7832780d5a98/ucsc_bam/main/9ac9b1352a49848d/data/galaxy_38ac7832780d5a98.bam
> It is working. 
> Thanks,
> Alper Kucukural, PhD
> Bioinformatics Core,
> University of Massachusetts Medical School
> 368 Plantation St.Room AS4.2067
> Worcester, MA 01605-2324
> Phone: 774-312-4493
> E-mail: alper.kucuku...@umassmed.edu
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