Dear all,

I've installed a galaxy cloud cluster using

It runs fine, but I need to know how to let the cluster run on THCondor or 
slurm instead of SGE. I can see that Condor is already installed on the 
galaxy-master node since the condor_status command is there. But how can I 
switch the default galaxy job-runner between SGE, HTCondor, and slurm

Also regarding the mounting option of a e.g. s3 bucket on the master node. It 
works fine and it can be accessed from the command line. But how to let galaxy 
see this mounted path for e.g, reading input files and storing resulted history 
elements in it?

Thank you,

Yours sincerely,
Abdulrahman Azab

Head engineer, ELIXIR.NO / The Genomic HyperBrowser team
Department of Informatics, University of Oslo, Boks 1072 Blindern, NO-0316 
OSLO, Norway
Email:</owa/>, Cell-phone: +47 46797339
Senior Lecturer in Computer Engineering
Faculty of Engineering, University of Mansoura, 35516-Mansoura, Egypt

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