I’m working on a very simple tool.

<tool id="gc_stat" name="GC Stat" version="0.1.0">
        <requirement type="binary">Rscript</requirement>
        <requirement type="package" version="1.1">samtools</requirement>
<requirement type="package" version="3.0.3">R</requirement>
        <exit_code range="1:" />

samtools view $bam | Rscript simple_script.R > $output
<param name='bam' type='data' format='bam' label='Mapped reads' help='BAM 
<data format='tabular' name='output' label='GC Statistic on ${on_string}'/>
Calculates a GC statistic for the specified BAM file.

this won’t work because Rscript is not running in the tool install directory 
and can’t find simple_script.R…

I’ve just been reading


and it seems that  I have to add another file…

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<set_environment version="1.0">
<environment_variable name="TOOL_INSTALL_DIR" 

and add a set_enviornment dependency to bring it in.
<requirement type="set_environment">TOOL_INSTALL_DIR</requirement>
samtools view $bam | Rscript $TOOL_INSTALL_DIR/simple_script.R > $output

I did that but the tool still won’t execute, in fact the .
Maybe because I have to put this into a toolshed - or maybe I’ve done something 

I think this complexity could be avoided by setting an TOOL_INSTALL_DIR 
environment var as a tool is executed (though John doesn’t seem to like that 
idea due to a responsibility mixing issue)

I think it’s a worthy goal to make tool development as frictionless as possible.
Is there a simpler way to do this?


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