In addition to my previous attempts, here is another I have tried:

*in igv.mako:*

      users_current_history = trans.history
      dataset_ids = [ ) for d in
users_current_history.datasets ]
    <%def name="getDataset_ids()">
         return dataset_ids
     var dataset_ids = '${getDataset_ids()}';

But this fails again and error appears in galaxy as 'name trans not


On Tue, Aug 25, 2015 at 1:12 PM, Asma Riyaz <> wrote:

> Hello,
> I have tried to access user's current history in the <script> tags in mako
> template:
> <script>
> var users_current_history = '${trans.history}';
> console.log( users_current_history.datasets );
> for (var dataset in users_current_history.datasets) {
>     console.log( dataset );
> }
> </script>
> The first console.log shows that 'users_current_history.datasets' is
> undefined.
> According this piece of code from Carl, accessing dataset ids should be
> done in python within a mako template tag
> <%
>  users_current_history = trans.history
>   dataset_ids = [ ) for d in
>  users_current_history.datasets ]
> %>
> but all the examples I have seen so far have some html tag associated with
> such code. How can I avoid using these tags and still use python alone?
> -Asma
> On Fri, Aug 21, 2015 at 11:41 AM, Carl Eberhard <>
> wrote:
>> As far as I know, it's best to write tool wrappers as if they were meant
>> to be called outside of Galaxy. In other words, it would not be best to try
>> and get Galaxy dataset ids within the tool code.
>> If we zoom out on the problem and take a higher view, is the JSON file
>> primary used to launch the visualization or does it have another use as
>> well?
>> Can/is the JSON passed to IGV directly in javascript? or does it need to
>> be read from the file separately by IGV and independent from the
>> visualization mako and its associated javascript?
>> If the JSON data is only for the visualization, doesn't need to be 100%
>> correct in the file, and can be passed within javascript, you can alter the
>> JSON data directly in the visualization mako/js by decorating with the bam
>> ids before passing it to IGV. In that case, the previous code (or a cleaner
>> version of it) will begin to get you there.
>> Unfortunately, the previous code should work in the visualization mako
>> only. (With the correction:
>> from galaxy import model
>> instead of
>> import model
>> The trans is an object describing the current WebTransaction
>> (request/response). It allows access to a sqlalchemy (sa) database session:
>> trans.sa_session
>> On Fri, Aug 21, 2015 at 11:23 AM, Asma Riyaz <>
>> wrote:
>>> Hi Carl,
>>> The visualization comes into play after a lab implemented tool in galaxy
>>> is ran; I am not using galaxy's workflow. Is tracing back ids still
>>> possible in this case with the test case you wrote earlier?
>>> Also I couldn't figure out what "trans" refers to in your previous
>>> message.
>>> Thank you,
>>> Asma
>>> On Thu, Aug 20, 2015 at 3:03 PM, Asma Riyaz <>
>>> wrote:
>>>> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
>>>> From: Carl Eberhard <>
>>>> Date: Thu, Aug 20, 2015 at 2:46 PM
>>>> Subject: Re: [galaxy-dev] Get dataset/API ids for a dataset
>>>> To: Asma Riyaz <>
>>>> Cc: galaxy-dev <>
>>>> If I understand correctly, this begins to sound less like something the
>>>> visualization level can do and more something that needs to be handled at
>>>> your tool level.
>>>> Let me repeat back what I understand to be the process:
>>>> 1. Your pipeline is activated by the user and some initial step in the
>>>> pipeline creates the JSON file that will configure your visualization
>>>> 2. Some indeterminate number of bam files are created
>>>> 3. The pipeline finishes and at this point the encoded ids of all the
>>>> bam files created by the pipeline should be used in urls added to the JSON
>>>> file from step 1
>>>> 4. The user then clicks on one of the outputs (the JSON file? Yes )
>>>> from the pipeline to launch the visualization and the JSON file is read
>>>> Do I have that right? When you say pipeline does that mean a Galaxy
>>>> workflow?
>>>> ---> Yes, this is exactly what I want to do. No, not a Galaxy workflow,
>>>> but a pipeline written in the lab which is then converted to a galaxy tool.
>>>> Is 'hda' available at the tool level as well? I have read through the
>>>> Bioblend API but couldn't figure out a way to query for only those datasets
>>>> that being worked on by galaxy in current history.
>>>> If so, you can access the workflow using the ORM by tracing up from the
>>>> dataset that invoked the visualization and then back down to the bam files
>>>> that were created in the workflow steps:
>>>> <%
>>>> # get the bam datasets created by the workflow that created 'hda'
>>>> # where 'hda' is the dataset the visualization launched from
>>>> import model
>>>> w = trans.sa_session.query( model.WorkflowInvocationStep )
>>>>     .filter( WorkflowInvocationStep.job == hda.creating_job
>>>> ).one().workflow_invocation
>>>> ids = [ for d in s.job.output_datasets if d.dataset.ext
>>>> == 'bam' ] for s in w.steps if s.job ]
>>>> urls = [ ... ]
>>>> %>
>>>> (The above is really horrible code, but sketches one way you could get
>>>> the ids from the visualization mako)
>>>> If it's not a workflow and a pipeline being run from within a Galaxy
>>>> tool wrapper, then the tool wrapper code should be writing the ids to the
>>>> JSON file. Is that the case instead?
>>>> --> Yes, tool wrapper code is where the IDs need to inserted. Will try
>>>> using "model" and see where I get with it.
>>>> -Thank you,
>>>> Asma
>>>> On Thu, Aug 20, 2015 at 1:28 PM, Asma Riyaz <>
>>>> wrote:
>>>>> Hi Carl,
>>>>> Thank you for your reply. This definitely helps me get started, my
>>>>> question being:
>>>>> trans.history will get all the dataset ids in users history regardless
>>>>> of which run the datasets are associated with. Hence if the user has
>>>>> multiple bams loaded in history there will be no way of distinguishing 
>>>>> them.
>>>>> Here is a rough idea of what I am envisioning my pipeline to do:
>>>>> Galaxy pipeline runs -> while it is running, dataset ids that are
>>>>> generated should be retrieved for each output (in my case bams and JSON
>>>>> file) -> when main pipeline finishes, ids are updated within the JSON file
>>>>> -> all the outputs are fed to users history.
>>>>> this way there will be no ambiguity as to which bams are being
>>>>> accessed for viz. Is this intermediate way of getting dataset ids 
>>>>> possible?
>>>>> Thank you
>>>>> -Asma
>>>>> On Wed, Aug 19, 2015 at 4:27 PM, Carl Eberhard <
>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>> Hi, Asma
>>>>>> If you're looking through datasets via the mako part of your
>>>>>> visualization, you can use:
>>>>>>> users_current_history = trans.history
>>>>>>> dataset_ids = [ ) for d in
>>>>>>> users_current_history.datasets ]
>>>>>> (or similar) to build the ids needed for the urls.
>>>>>> If you want to get the info via javascript, you can use something
>>>>>> like the python above and template into a js var:
>>>>>>> var url = "/datasets/${ dna_dataset_id }/display?to_ext=bam"
>>>>>> ...or encode and template the history id and use ajax and the api
>>>>>> after the page is served:
>>>>>>> var historyId = "${ ) }";
>>>>>>> jQuery.ajax( galaxy_config.root + 'api/histories/' + historyId +
>>>>>>> '/contents' )
>>>>>>>     .done( function( response ){ /* will contain summary json for
>>>>>>> each dataset including encoded ids for each */ })
>>>>>> Let me know if that's not what you were looking for or if you find
>>>>>> any problems with it.
>>>>>> On Wed, Aug 19, 2015 at 11:01 AM, Asma Riyaz <>
>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>> Hello Galaxy-dev,
>>>>>>> I thank you so much for all the help you have given me.
>>>>>>> I have a question about data set ids in galaxy. As a background, I
>>>>>>> am running my own galaxy instance on a server. A pipeline
>>>>>>> implemented in the lab produces the following files in the history:
>>>>>>> 1) 2 BAM files
>>>>>>> 2) A JSON file
>>>>>>> My goal is to use this JSON file to pass the path/URL of bam files
>>>>>>> into a custom JS we wrote for visualization purpose.
>>>>>>> This JSON file contains among many other details the paths/URLs to
>>>>>>> the above bam files. I am using JSON filetypes to send data to the JS
>>>>>>> visualization within Galaxy. To do this, I have my own JS which loads a 
>>>>>>> BAM
>>>>>>> file from URL provided into an IGV.js track. IGV.js, which is
>>>>>>> responsible for making the tracks, expects a valid URL which is updated 
>>>>>>> in
>>>>>>> the JSON file in this manner:
>>>>>>> 1) Extract the API_key and history id from a loaded BAM file
>>>>>>> 2) Edit the JSON file to reflect the BAM file's dataset id to be
>>>>>>> something like this:
>>>>>>> {
>>>>>>>   "CLL-HL_pilot.r1.fastq": {
>>>>>>>     "DNA": "/datasets/36ddb788a0f14eb3/display?to_ext=bam",
>>>>>>>     ...
>>>>>>> This works fine if I know the API Key for bam files. When a pipeline
>>>>>>> executes dataset ids are generated for each output. I want to access and
>>>>>>> include these ids in the JSON file and load the updated JSON file into 
>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>> history with the bams. Is there a way to get the ids from the history in
>>>>>>> this manner?
>>>>>>> Thank you,
>>>>>>> Asma
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