Hi Sam,

Thanks for the pointer to the Trello card.  I noticed the card is kind of old 
(I think it predates data tables), so I just wanted to confirm the approach.  
For my tool, should I use the existing from_file option for dynamic options 
(call the file test_select_options.txt”) with the file located in a tool-data 
directory within a TS repo?  The current TS install process would then install 
test_select_options.txt into the ~/shed_tool_data directory within the Galaxy 
root.  Is this still the advised approach, or should the tool that requries 
test_select_options.txt be of type “manage_data”?



> On Sep 18, 2015, at 9:42 AM, Aysam Guerler <aysam.guer...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi Greg,
> The tool form supports multiple dynamic fields which depend on each other. 
> You may want to take a look at this: 
> https://trello.com/c/NOmjJxCi/428-305-potential-bug-in-dynamic-options-filters
> <https://trello.com/c/NOmjJxCi/428-305-potential-bug-in-dynamic-options-filters>.
> Hope this helps,
> Sam
> On Fri, Sep 18, 2015 at 8:30 AM, Greg Von Kuster <g...@bx.psu.edu 
> <mailto:g...@bx.psu.edu>> wrote:
> Hello all,
> I’m working on adding support to the Galaxy framework for datatypes in the 
> constructive solid geometry (CSG) space and I have several working Galaxy 
> tools and a visualization plugin that deal with 3d shapes in this 
> environment.  All of this work will soon be contributed to open source.
> For one of the tools, I need to provide 2 select lists on the tool form that 
> are associated in such a way that when an option in select list 1 is chosen, 
> the options in select list 2 are altered and re-rendered.  This behavior 
> would probably use a combination of dynamic options and refresh_on_change 
> between the 2 associated select lists.
> I’ve not seen a tool that does this precisely, so I’m hoping that if it is 
> currently possible to do this within Galaxy tools, someone will point me to 
> an example.
> If it is not currently possible, I will contribute a PR for supporting it, 
> but would like some input as to how it should be done.
> Dynamic options are currently rendered using 4 approaches; from_file, 
> from_dataset, from_parameter and from_data_table.  One or more of several 
> filters can then be applied to the options to alter them if desired.  
> Since these CSG tools involve new datatypes, I have flexibility into how the 
> metadata elements are set up that are needed to render these 2 select lists.  
> A dictionary may work where the metadata element contents look like this:
> {a: [‘1’, ‘2’], b: [‘3’, ‘4’] }
> The options in select list 1 would be ‘a’ and ‘b’.  When ‘a’ is selected, 
> select list 2 would have options ‘1’ and ‘2’, and when ‘b’ is selected, 
> select list 2 would have options ‘3’ and ‘4’.
> To support this approach, perhaps dynamic options could be enhanced to 
> include a from_dict option.  There would be some complxity involved in 
> associating the lists using refresh_on_change so that select list 2 is 
> refreshed with the correct options when select list one is changed.  I 
> haven’t yet worked out these details.
> Also, using a dictionary will not keep order for the options, so perhaps a 
> list of tuples would be better?
> [ [ ‘a’, [‘1’, ‘2’]], [‘b’, [‘3’, ‘4’]]]
> Can someone let me know if this is currently possible, and if so, an example 
> tool that does it?  If it’s not possible, does the above approach seem 
> reasonable, or is there a better way?
> Thanks very much,
> Greg Von Kuster
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