Hi Sarah,

On 08. aug. 2016 13:58, Sarah DIEHL wrote:
> Hi Eric,
> thanks for the hint regarding uWSGI. What doesn't work is importing
> files from the local disk (of the galaxy server) to the data library
> (see attached screenshot). Everything else seems to be fine, I haven't
> encountered any other issues. Maybe it's a bug just in that function?
> Here is the error:
> - - [30/Jul/2016:18:09:27 +0200] "POST
> /api/libraries/datasets?encoded_folder_id=F7b46bd6d01de922f&source=userdir_file&path=160308_WTCHG_254732_201.bam&file_type=auto&dbkey=?
> HTTP/1.1" 500 - "https://galaxy-server.uni.lu/library/list";
> "Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Ubuntu; Linux x86_64; rv:45.0) Gecko/20100101
> Firefox/45.0"
> Error - <type 'exceptions.AssertionError'>: use_remote_user is set but
> HTTP_REMOTE_USER header was not provided
> URL:
> https://galaxy-server.uni.lu/api/libraries/datasets?encoded_folder_id=F7b46bd6d01de922f&source=userdir_file&path=160308_WTCHG_254732_201.bam&file_type=auto&dbkey=?
> File
> '/home/galaxy/galaxy-dist/lib/galaxy/web/framework/middleware/error.py',
> line 151 in __call__
>   app_iter = self.application(environ, sr_checker)
> File
> '/mnt/gaiagpfs/projects/galaxy/internal/.venv/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/paste/recursive.py',
> line 85 in __call__
>   return self.application(environ, start_response)
> File
> '/home/galaxy/galaxy-dist/lib/galaxy/web/framework/middleware/remoteuser.py',
> line 76 in __call__
>   return self.app( environ, start_response )
> File
> '/mnt/gaiagpfs/projects/galaxy/internal/.venv/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/paste/httpexceptions.py',
> line 640 in __call__
>   return self.application(environ, start_response)
> File '/home/galaxy/galaxy-dist/lib/galaxy/web/framework/base.py', line
> 131 in __call__
>   return self.handle_request( environ, start_response )
> File '/home/galaxy/galaxy-dist/lib/galaxy/web/framework/base.py', line
> 158 in handle_request
>   trans = self.transaction_factory( environ )
> File '/home/galaxy/galaxy-dist/lib/galaxy/web/framework/webapp.py',
> line 68 in <lambda>
>   self.set_transaction_factory( lambda e: self.transaction_chooser( e,
> galaxy_app, session_cookie ) )
> File '/home/galaxy/galaxy-dist/lib/galaxy/web/framework/webapp.py',
> line 99 in transaction_chooser
>   return GalaxyWebTransaction( environ, galaxy_app, self, session_cookie )
> File '/home/galaxy/galaxy-dist/lib/galaxy/web/framework/webapp.py',
> line 198 in __init__
>   self.error_message = self._authenticate_api( session_cookie )
> File '/home/galaxy/galaxy-dist/lib/galaxy/web/framework/webapp.py',
> line 380 in _authenticate_api
>   self._ensure_valid_session( session_cookie )
> File '/home/galaxy/galaxy-dist/lib/galaxy/web/framework/webapp.py',
> line 432 in _ensure_valid_session
>   "use_remote_user is set but %s header was not provided" %
> self.app.config.remote_user_header
> AssertionError: use_remote_user is set but HTTP_REMOTE_USER header was
> not provided
I'm afraid I do not have any help for this. Hopefully another galaxy
person can chime in here and help debug this.

> Best regards,
> Sarah
> ----
> Sarah Diehl
> HPC System Administrator
> Campus Belval | Biotech II
> 6, avenue du Swing
> L-4371 Belvaux
> T +352 46 66 44 5360
> sarah.di...@uni.lu <mailto:sarah.di...@uni.lu>     http://lcsb.uni.lu
> <https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=http-3A__lcsb.uni.lu_&d=CwMF-g&c=ODFT-G5SujMiGrKuoJJjVg&r=p9uZby14OqW9zcjBSjiDKw&m=pwYDgdauhpWnUSnnqVAB6Xyn2OzpGsIMkWdC8fyNRu0&s=Ll-0NRWHk-0Kb159GLi8cgxakoFwK4BQyp39IRY0S48&e=>
> -----
> This message is confidential and may contain privileged information.
> It is intended for the named recipient only. If you receive it in
> error please notify me and permanently delete the original message and
> any copies.
> -----
> From: Eric Rasche <e...@tamu.edu <mailto:e...@tamu.edu>>
> Organization: TAMU
> Date: Monday 8 August 2016 15:43
> To: Sarah DIEHL <sarah.di...@uni.lu <mailto:sarah.di...@uni.lu>>,
> "galaxy-dev@lists.galaxyproject.org
> <mailto:galaxy-dev@lists.galaxyproject.org>"
> <galaxy-dev@lists.galaxyproject.org
> <mailto:galaxy-dev@lists.galaxyproject.org>>
> Subject: Re: [galaxy-dev] External user auth and API
> On 08. aug. 2016 13:25, Sarah DIEHL wrote:
>> Hi Eric,
>> thanks a lot for the info and help! I'm running version 16.04 and my
>> apache conf is a bit different because I balance over multiple galaxy
>> web servers:
> Just as an aside, if you are still using this configuration method,
> you might consider switching to uWSGI
> <https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=https-3A__wiki.galaxyproject.org_Admin_Config_Performance_Scaling&d=CwMF-g&c=ODFT-G5SujMiGrKuoJJjVg&r=p9uZby14OqW9zcjBSjiDKw&m=pwYDgdauhpWnUSnnqVAB6Xyn2OzpGsIMkWdC8fyNRu0&s=FcalyPc9I-0TF6rCq1c3yxRT6-Rrzmf7mNE3GVfCNBI&e=>,
> it will drastically simplify your configuration and should be just as
> performant (if not more).
>>     # API requests get routed through balancer with no authentication
>>     RewriteCond %{QUERY_STRING} key=
>>     RewriteRule ^/api/(.*) balancer://galaxy-noauth/api/$1 [P]
>>     # Regular requests get routed through balancer with LDAP
>> authentication
>>     RewriteRule ^(.*) balancer://galaxy$1 [P]
>>     <Proxy balancer://galaxy/*>
>>         BalancerMember  http://localhost:8080
>>         BalancerMember  http://localhost:8081
>>         BalancerMember  http://localhost:8082
>>         BalancerMember  http://localhost:8083
>> RequestHeader set X-URL-SCHEME https
>>         AuthType Basic
>>         AuthBasicProvider ldap
>>         AuthName               "UL HPC Platform Authorized Users Only"
>>         AuthLDAPBindAuthoritative off
>>         AuthLDAPURL "ldap://…";
>>         Require valid-user
>>         RequestHeader set REMOTE_USER %{AUTHENTICATE_uid}e
>>         XSendFile on
>>         XSendFilePath /
>>         SetOutputFilter DEFLATE
>>         SetEnvIfNoCase Request_URI \.(?:gif|jpe?g|png)$ no-gzip dont-vary
>>         SetEnvIfNoCase Request_URI \.(?:t?gz|zip|bz2)$ no-gzip dont-vary
>>         SetEnvIfNoCase Request_URI /history/export_archive no-gzip
>> dont-vary
>>     </Proxy>
>>     <Proxy balancer://galaxy-noauth/*>
>>         BalancerMember  http://localhost:8080
>>         BalancerMember  http://localhost:8081
>>         BalancerMember  http://localhost:8082
>>         BalancerMember  http://localhost:8083
>> RequestHeader set X-URL-SCHEME https
>>         Satisfy any
>>         XSendFile on
>>         XSendFilePath /
>>         SetOutputFilter DEFLATE
>>         SetEnvIfNoCase Request_URI \.(?:gif|jpe?g|png)$ no-gzip dont-vary
>>         SetEnvIfNoCase Request_URI \.(?:t?gz|zip|bz2)$ no-gzip dont-vary
>>         SetEnvIfNoCase Request_URI /history/export_archive no-gzip
>> dont-vary
>>     </Proxy>
>> What doesn't work when configured this way is data libraries' import
>> from user directory function. Can you tell if my apache configuration
>> is equivalent to yours?
> Your configuration /looks/ equivalent, yes, but I may have overlooked
> something, I have since forgotten some of the semantics of proxy
> balancers.
>> Does the import functionality in the data libraries work for you?
> Import datasets from data libraries to history? Yes, this does for me.
> In what way does it break for you? Unauthenticated /api requests? It
> seems odd that data libraries would be the only affected thing here,
> since other things like the tool panel also make /api requests.
>> This configuration worked fine with release 15.10, but doesn't
>> anymore since I upgraded. Between those two version the default data
>> libraries interface changed. What used to be "beta" before is now the
>> default and only available option.
> Old data libraries were deprecated
> <https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=https-3A__docs.galaxyproject.org_en_master_releases_15.10-5Fannounce.html-23deprecation-2Dnotices&d=CwMF-g&c=ODFT-G5SujMiGrKuoJJjVg&r=p9uZby14OqW9zcjBSjiDKw&m=pwYDgdauhpWnUSnnqVAB6Xyn2OzpGsIMkWdC8fyNRu0&s=p6Y66XyId9RfOGHSilb-eCggUDdkXaloeEyrXZBLQbM&e=>
> in favour of the new ones and removed in 16.01.
>> Best regards,
>> Sarah
>> ----
>> Sarah Diehl
>> HPC System Administrator
>> Campus Belval | Biotech II
>> 6, avenue du Swing
>> L-4371 Belvaux
>> T +352 46 66 44 5360
>> sarah.di...@uni.lu <mailto:sarah.di...@uni.lu>     http://lcsb.uni.lu
>> -----
>> This message is confidential and may contain privileged information.
>> It is intended for the named recipient only. If you receive it in
>> error please notify me and permanently delete the original message
>> and any copies.
>> -----
>> From: Eric Rasche <e...@tamu.edu>
>> Organization: TAMU
>> Date: Monday 8 August 2016 15:09
>> To: Sarah DIEHL <sarah.di...@uni.lu>,
>> "galaxy-dev@lists.galaxyproject.org
>> <mailto:galaxy-dev@lists.galaxyproject.org>"
>> <galaxy-dev@lists.galaxyproject.org
>> <mailto:galaxy-dev@lists.galaxyproject.org>>
>> Subject: Re: [galaxy-dev] External user auth and API
>> Hi Sarah,
>> On 08. aug. 2016 07:44, Sarah DIEHL wrote:
>>> Dear all,
>>> since no one replied so far to the main problem I had and it might
>>> have gotten lost in the conversation, I ask again: Does somebody
>>> know how to configure external user auth with apache such that API
>>> (from external, e.g. bioblend) and dataset import in the data
>>> libraries work? When I configure apache to require auth for
>>> everything, the API does not work. If I except the API from the
>>> apache auth, the dataset import does not work.
>> Our configuration looks like the following (just switching CAS for LDAP.)
>>     <Location "/galaxy/api/">
>>         Satisfy Any
>>         Allow from all
>>     </Location>
>>     <Location "/galaxy">
>>         AuthName "CAS"
>>         AuthType CAS
>>         Require valid-user
>>         RequestHeader set X-URL-SCHEME https
>>         XSendFile on
>>         XSendFilePath /
>>         RequestHeader set CAS-User "%{REMOTE_USER}s...@tamu.edu"
>>     </Location>
>>     ProxyPass /galaxy uwsgi://
>> I.e. we disable authentication on the /api route. On 16.01+ (I think
>> it was patched then, but 16.04 is a safer bet) this will work
>> correctly and your users will be able to use the API. On previous
>> versions the /api route would fail for web users if exposed in this
>> manner.
>>> If I switch to the new galaxy-internal LDAP auth features, will that
>>> solve this problem?
>> Yes, this is an alternate solution.
>>> Any hints are appreciated!
>>> Best regards,
>>> Sarah
>>> ----
>>> Sarah Diehl
>>> HPC System Administrator
>>> Campus Belval | Biotech II
>>> 6, avenue du Swing
>>> L-4371 Belvaux
>>> T +352 46 66 44 5360
>>> <mailto:sarah.di...@uni.lu>sarah.di...@uni.lu     http://lcsb.uni.lu
>>> -----
>>> This message is confidential and may contain privileged information.
>>> It is intended for the named recipient only. If you receive it in
>>> error please notify me and permanently delete the original message
>>> and any copies.
>>> -----
>>> From: galaxy-dev <galaxy-dev-boun...@lists.galaxyproject.org> on
>>> behalf of Sarah DIEHL <sarah.di...@uni.lu <mailto:sarah.di...@uni.lu>>
>>> Date: Monday 1 August 2016 13:06
>>> To: Nicola Soranzo <nsora...@tiscali.it>,
>>> "galaxy-dev@lists.galaxyproject.org
>>> <mailto:galaxy-dev@lists.galaxyproject.org>"
>>> <galaxy-dev@lists.galaxyproject.org
>>> <mailto:galaxy-dev@lists.galaxyproject.org>>
>>> Subject: Re: [galaxy-dev] Remote user auth and API
>>> Hi Nicola,
>>> thanks a lot for the help! Yes, it's a self-signed certificate, I
>>> didn't bother with letsencrypt yet ;-).
>>> So now the error turned to
>>> ConnectionError: GET: error 401: b'<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC
>>> "-//IETF//DTD HTML 2.0//EN">\n<html><head>\n<title>401 Authorization
>>> Required</title>\n</head><body>\n<h1>Authorization
>>> Required</h1>\n<p>This server could not verify that you\nare
>>> authorized to access the document\nrequested. Either you supplied
>>> the wrong\ncredentials (e.g., bad password), or your\nbrowser
>>> doesn\'t understand how to supply\nthe credentials
>>> required.</p>\n</body></html>\n', 0 attempts left: None
>>> which is what I expected, since apache now wants the authentication
>>> through LDAP.
>>> So anybody know what the right settings are to get both the dataset
>>> import and the API working with external user auth over apache and LDAP?
>>> Thanks,
>>> Sarah
>>> ----
>>> Sarah Diehl
>>> HPC System Administrator
>>> Campus Belval | Biotech II
>>> 6, avenue du Swing
>>> L-4371 Belvaux
>>> T +352 46 66 44 5360
>>> <mailto:sarah.di...@uni.lu>sarah.di...@uni.lu     http://lcsb.uni.lu
>>> -----
>>> This message is confidential and may contain privileged information.
>>> It is intended for the named recipient only. If you receive it in
>>> error please notify me and permanently delete the original message
>>> and any copies.
>>> -----
>>> From: Nicola Soranzo <nicola.sora...@gmail.com
>>> <mailto:nicola.sora...@gmail.com>> on behalf of Nicola Soranzo
>>> <nsora...@tiscali.it>
>>> Date: Monday 1 August 2016 12:58
>>> To: Sarah DIEHL <sarah.di...@uni.lu <mailto:sarah.di...@uni.lu>>,
>>> "galaxy-dev@lists.galaxyproject.org
>>> <mailto:galaxy-dev@lists.galaxyproject.org>"
>>> <galaxy-dev@lists.galaxyproject.org
>>> <mailto:galaxy-dev@lists.galaxyproject.org>>
>>> Subject: Re: [galaxy-dev] Remote user auth and API
>>> Hi Sarah!
>>> I guess that your problem is with an untrusted certificate, you can
>>> get one for free at https://letsencrypt.org/
>>> You can disable certificate verification in bioblend as in the
>>> example below:
>>> import bioblend.galaxy
>>> gi = bioblend.galaxy.GalaxyInstance(url=my_server, key=my_key)
>>> gi.verify = False
>>> Cheers,
>>> Nicola
>>> On 01/08/16 09:08, Sarah DIEHL wrote:
>>>> Dear all,
>>>> since the recent update to 16.04 I get the following error when
>>>> trying to import a file from a user directory to a data library:
>>>> AssertionError: use_remote_user is set but HTTP_REMOTE_USER header
>>>> was not provided
>>>> I use apache as a proxy and use an LDAP server for authentication.
>>>> In order to get the API to work previously the apache had to be set
>>>> to not check authentication for the requests to /api. In the logs I
>>>> can see that the dataset import is an request to the API, so since
>>>> the auth is not checked then, there is also no REMOTE_USER header set.
>>>> What is the recommended way to solve this issue with the current
>>>> Galaxy version? I disabled the special settings for /api and the
>>>> dataset import works now.
>>>> I tried to check the API with an old test script based on bioblend,
>>>> but I now get the following error:
>>>> ConnectionError: [SSL: CERTIFICATE_VERIFY_FAILED] certificate
>>>> verify failed (_ssl.c:645), 0 attempts left: None
>>>> Previously I could disable it with 
>>>> import requests
>>>> requests.packages.urllib3.disable_warnings()
>>>> but that doesn't seem to work anymore (switched to Python 3 now).
>>>> Since bioblend wraps all the requests methods, I cannot apply any
>>>> of the common solutions I found online (e.g. set verify=False).
>>>> Any help to solve these issues is highly appreciated :-).
>>>> Best regards,
>>>> Sarah
>>>> ----
>>>> Sarah Diehl
>>>> HPC System Administrator
>>>> Campus Belval | Biotech II
>>>> 6, avenue du Swing
>>>> L-4371 Belvaux
>>>> T +352 46 66 44 5360
>>>> <mailto:sarah.di...@uni.lu>sarah.di...@uni.lu     http://lcsb.uni.lu
>>>> -----
>>>> This message is confidential and may contain privileged
>>>> information. It is intended for the named recipient only. If you
>>>> receive it in error please notify me and permanently delete the
>>>> original message and any copies.
>>>> -----
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>>> Please keep all replies on the list by using "reply all"
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>> -- 
>> Eric Rasche
>> Programmer II
>> Center for Phage Technology
>> Rm 312A, Biochemistry & Biophysics
>> Texas A&M University
>> College Station, TX 77843
>> e...@tamu.edu <mailto:e...@tamu.edu>
> -- 
> Eric Rasche
> Programmer II
> Center for Phage Technology
> Rm 312A, Biochemistry & Biophysics
> Texas A&M University
> College Station, TX 77843
> e...@tamu.edu <mailto:e...@tamu.edu>

Eric Rasche
Programmer II

Center for Phage Technology
Rm 312A, Biochemistry & Biophysics
Texas A&M University
College Station, TX 77843
e...@tamu.edu <mailto:e...@tamu.edu>
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