Hi Marius,

Thanks for your reply.

Below is my supervisor configuration and it looks similar to yours except
"PYTHONHOME" in the environment section. Do you think that would be the
issue ?


command         = $GALAXY_PATH/.venv/bin/uwsgi --virtualenv
$GALAXY_PATH/.venv --ini-paste $GALAXY_PATH/config/galaxy.ini --logdate
--master --processes 3 --threads 6 --logto $GALAXY_PATH/logs/galaxy.uwsgi.log
--socket --pythonpath lib --stats
directory       = $GALAXY_PATH
umask           = 022
autostart       = true
autorestart     = true
startsecs       = 20
user            = galaxy
environment     = PATH=$GALAXY_PATH/.venv/bin:/
numprocs = 1
stoplight = INT
startretries    = 15
process_name    = web%(process_num)s

command         = $GALAXY_PATH/.venv/bin/python ./lib/galaxy/main.py -c
$GALAXY_PATH/config/galaxy.ini --server-name=handler%(process_num)s
directory       = $GALAXY_PATH
process_name    = handler%(process_num)s
numprocs = 3
umask           = 022
autostart       = true
autorestart     = true
startsecs       = 20
user            = galaxy
environment     = PATH=$GALAXY_PATH/.venv/bin:/
startretries    = 15


On Fri, Mar 3, 2017 at 10:37 AM, Marius van den Beek <m.vandenb...@gmail.com
> wrote:

> Hi Ashok,
> You should not set the PYTHONPATH in supervisor.
> That is indeed going to conflict with conda.
> If you are using uwsgi you can use something like this:
> [program:galaxy_web]
> command         = /bioinfo/guests/mvandenb/galaxy/.venv/bin/uwsgi 
> --virtualenv /bioinfo/guests/mvandenb/galaxy/.venv --ini-paste 
> /bioinfo/guests/mvandenb/gx/config/galaxy.ini --logdate
>  --master --processes 2 --threads 2 --logto /home/galaxy/galaxy/uwsgi.log 
> --socket --pythonpath lib --stats
> directory       = /bioinfo/guests/mvandenb/galaxy
> umask           = 022
> autostart       = true
> autorestart     = true
> startsecs       = 20
> user            = galaxy
> environment     = 
> /bioinfo/guests/mvandenb/galaxy/.venv/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin
> numprocs        = 1
> stopsignal      = INT
> startretries    = 15
> Best,
> Marius
> ​
> On 3 March 2017 at 10:29, Ashok Varadharajan <ashv...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Thanks John and Bjoern for your reply.
>> Conda is working properly when i trigger it manually as a galaxy user.
>> (example: $conda_prefix/conda install bwa -c bioconda)
>> I tried to remove the conda_prefix directory and it was reinstalled after
>> restarting the galaxy. But still I am getting the same issue when
>> installing tools from the toolshed.
>> I also tried updating the conda using "conda update conda" but didnt
>> help.
>> Do i have to adjust the PYTHONPATH in my supervisor configuration ?
>> Regards,
>> Ashok
>> On Thu, Mar 2, 2017 at 10:14 PM, Björn Grüning <bjoern.gruen...@gmail.com
>> > wrote:
>>> Hi Ashok,
>>> this seems to be a problem with your conda installation.
>>> See for example here: https://github.com/conda/conda/issues/2463
>>> Can you update your conda manually?
>>> Cheers,
>>> Bjoern
>>> Am 02.03.2017 um 17:47 schrieb Ashok Varadharajan:
>>> > ImportError: No module named conda.cli.main
>> --
>> *Thanks and Regards,*
>> *Ashok Varadharajan*
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*Thanks and Regards,*
*Ashok Varadharajan*
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