Hi Karl,
As you see from the error message, you seem to be getting this error because
the machine is running out of memory. This can in part be caused by a
configuration option that might be set in Galaxy's universe_wsgi.ini file
(see below).
Did you have any jobs running while trying to download the file? Waiting
until those finish might free up some memory.

A thing to try is to connect to the instance, edit Galaxy's
universe_wsgi.ini file to se debug = False, restart Galaxy and try
again. Are you familiar with that at all?
The basic steps are as follows:
[local]$ ssh -i <path to your AWS private key file> ubuntu@<instance public
[ec2]$ sudo su galaxy
[ec2]$ cd /mnt/galaxyTools/galaxy-central
[ec2]$ vi universe_wsgi.ini  -- edit file (around line 226) to set: debug =
[ec2]$ sh run.sh --stop-daemon
[ec2]$ sh run.sh --daemon

Yet another option is to connect the instance in the same way, look through
the data library on the file system and manually copy the file out of the
instance. You can use the following command to copy the file to your local
[local]$ scp -i <path to your AWS private key file> ubuntu@<instance public
IP>:/mnt/galaxyData/files/000/dataset_<ID>.dat .

Let us know if none of this works,

On Mon, Mar 28, 2011 at 12:02 PM, <karlerh...@berkeley.edu> wrote:

> Hello,
> I'm trying to download the library files I processed on my galaxy cloud
> instance, but I'm getting an error.  At the top (on the right panel) it
> says "Server Error" and then lists the URL where the data should be and
> then lists:
> Module paste.exceptions.errormiddleware:143 in __call__
> <<          try:
>                __traceback_supplement__ = Supplement, self, environ
>                app_iter = self.application(environ, start_response)
>                return self.make_catching_iter(app_iter, environ)
>            except:>>  app_iter = self.application(environ, start_response)
> Module paste.debug.prints:98 in __call__
> <<          try:
>                status, headers, body = wsgilib.intercept_output(
>                    environ, self.app)
>                if status is None:
>                    # Some error occurred>>  environ, self.app)
> Module paste.wsgilib:544 in intercept_output
> <<      try:
>            for item in app_iter:
>                output.write(item)
>        finally:
>            if hasattr(app_iter, 'close'):>>  output.write(item)
> MemoryError: out of memory
> Is there some easy fix to this?  I'd really like to get that data off of
> the cloud instance and be able to terminate it.
> thanks,
> karl
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