Thank you for the prompt reply. Will look forward to it.


On Tue, Mar 29, 2011 at 10:56 AM, Jeremy Goecks <>wrote:

> Hi,
> Are there any tools like HMMER (2.3.2 or 3.0) available on Galaxy to run a
> HMM on a DNA or protein sequence? I was not able to find any. Thanks
> -Surya
> Surya,
> HMMer is not available on our public server, nor is there anything similar.
> However, there is a wrapper for hmmscan in the Galaxy Tool Shed:
> that you can use if download and install
> on a local Galaxy instance.
> I expect we'll add HMM support in the future, but it's not a priority right
> now.
> Best,
> J.
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