On 09/23/2011 09:26 PM, dtr...@ira.cinvestav.mx wrote:
Hi, mi name is Diana Trejo and I am working with galaxy for first time. I
would like to analyze millions of sequences in galaxy but I donĀ“t know if
it is possible because my file is 330 MB. Are there any MB restriction for
using galaxy?

Thanks for your help

Diana Trejo


In short, the limits are dependent on the site installation. The people responsible for running the servers are the right people to ask the question. I can tell you that in local installations, we have much larger file uploads than the ones you mention. Whatever the limit on the website, it is also possible to upload your data manually via FTP/SecureFTP. Once your data are uploaded, they should be accessible via the web interface.

PS:Note that the National Bioinformatics Node of Mexico (Centro De Ciencias Genomicas) will discuss Galaxy during the National Bioinformatics Week. I do not know if the formal announcement has been made yet, but it should be during the last week of January 2012 or the week before that.

Best regards,

George Magklaras PhD
RHCE no: 805008309135525

Senior Systems Engineer/IT Manager
Biotek Center, University of Oslo
EMBnet TMPC Chair


Tel: +47 22840535

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