Hi Peter,Thanks for the quick feedback. 
Sorry if I wasn't clear.
Yes, I asking on how to set the labels for a file so instead of 
<data format="tabular" name="filename" label="genes-results"/>
we can have a variable that comes from the interface set by the user so it can 
be like this?
Say the user set the name from a text box to be "S"
We can have S saved as $prefix, something like below.
<data format="tabular" name="$prefix.filename" label="$prefix.genes-results"/>

The files then will be labeled:
They still be called dataset_547.dat but labeled based on the user's input?


On 02/23/12, Peter Cock  
> On Thu, Feb 23, 2012 at 5:46 PM, Victor Ruotti <ruo...@wisc.edu> wrote:
> > Hi,
> > I hope someone can help me on how to implement this into a wrapper.
> This kind of question is normally redirected to the galaxy-dev list.
> > We would like to add an option so the user can set a sample name
> > which then be used for the prefix of the output files names.
> You have no control over the file names at all - Galaxy will assign
> something like database/files/000/dataset_547.dat automatically.
> The user never sees the file names anyway.
> Are you asking about how to control the description/caption shown
> to the user in Galaxy?
> Peter

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