Hi Neel,

The public Main Galaxy instance is very busy, but I can let you know that I see your account in the queue in line for processing. The best option is to leave the job alone to process, and to not delete/re-run it.

If you want to send me a link to your shared history, I would be glad to double check the situation. You can email direct to me.

Thank you for your patience,

Galaxy team

On 5/12/13 6:57 AM, Neel Aluru wrote:

I am having problem with starting my query. For days it is showing "Job waiting to run". Is the system backed up and there is a long queue? or is there a problem with my query? Normally if there is any problem it shows an error message. I am within the usage limits. I am trying to map my SOLiD data set to custom reference genome (fasta format). I converted the SOLiD output to fastq. Then I am using Map with Bowtie for SOLiD. Everything went fine quickly except the last step, which waiting for over 6 days now. Any help or suggestions appreciated.

Thank you,

Neel Aluru
Assistant Scientist
Biology Department
Redfield Building 3-04
Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution
45, Water Street
Woods Hole, MA

nal...@whoi.edu <mailto:nal...@whoi.edu>

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