On Tue, Sep 24, 2013 at 7:58 AM, Georgios Magklaras
<georg...@biotek.uio.no> wrote:
> Hi,
> Do you have best recipes for SFTP/Aspera upload gateway integration to
> Galaxy? We would welcome advise on that matter.


I haven't implemented yet, but I'm planning on using plain scp(windows
user can use WinSCP). I shouldn't have problems doing so by using this
option in universe_wsgi.ini:
# Add an option to the library upload form which allows authorized
# non-administrators to upload a directory of files.  The configured directory
# must contain sub-directories named the same as the non-admin user's Galaxy
# login ( email ).  The non-admin user is restricted to uploading files or
# sub-directories of files contained in their directory.
user_library_import_dir = /local/opt/galaxy/import_dir

Hope it helps,
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