> 1. I tested it using a bigWig and a BED file. Both were loaded nicely in 
> Circos, but I was surprised to see that the visualization of both files 
> looked exactly the same, i.e. both file types seemed to be interpreted as 
> histograms/coverage data. From the Circos plots I've seen in publications, I 
> assumed that BED files should be visualized as straight lines, indicating 
> genome regions (rather than a coverage). Am I doing anything wrong? Or, 
> rather, how should I modify the BED file so that its content is simply 
> interpreted as genomic regions?

This is a limitation of the visualization, and it should be addressed. I've 
created a Trello card for this enhancement that you follow here: 

> 2. In the Galaxy publication (www.biomedcentral.com/1471-2164/14/397), "line 
> data" is mentioned for displaying connecting lines in the center of the 
> circle - could you give me an example line of how this kind of data needs to 
> be formatted?

The format is a 7-column tabular file with tab-separated values:

chrom1 start1 end1 chrom2 start2 end2 score

Score isn't used right now, but it still needs to be there. Once you have this 
format, you'll need to convert the datatype from 'tabular' to 'chrint' in order 
to visualize it (click on the pencil icon --> Datatype. Also, I have a workflow 
up to convert Tophat fusion output data to chrint format here:


Sorry for the cryptic nature of everything right now. We'll get this info and 
more up on a wiki page eventually (you're welcome to start one in the 
meantime). Let us know if you have more questions.


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